Our Story

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“Pique, I know you are so in love with Cesc, but can you please stand still for awhile so the makeup artist can do her magic on Cesc’s and then at you?” the director asked.

“Yes, yes, I’m sorry.” I answered as Cesc stuck his tongue out at me.

The season is about to open, this is why we are all here. Well, some of the players are on the other side, getting measurements and other stuff. Cesc and I however were asked to do a little commercial for the club, based on the fans’ votes. I grabbed hold of my phone and was about to tweet when the door opened and in came a very familiar face. She was clad in a white top, skinny jeans and was walking in a pair of ankle boots.

“Good morning, is this the..” she began.

“Gabrielle!” I blurted out and hugged her.

She smelled of jasmine and lavender. The same kind of scent she had back when I was playing for Manchester United and she was an intern for the advertising and promo department. That was a few years ago.

“You must be Gabrielle..” the director of the photo shoot butted in.

“Good morning, yes, my name is Gabrielle. The boss sent me here to do the job today.” she said.

“And to look at me shirtless again, after a few years.” I teased and Gabrielle looked at me and smirked.

“You two know each other?” Cesc asked.

“Are you kidding me? She’s my guardian angel! So, Gabrielle, what brings you to Barcelona?”

“To watch over you, Pique.” Gabrielle teased back. “Nah, actually, I am here to work.” she said.

“Really? So, you mean..you mean, you’re now here, here?” I asked.

“Yes.” Gabrielle answered and smiled.

“I get you two are friends, but can we get Pique to the makeup chair so we can start the shoot?” the director asked.

“Yes.” Gabrielle and I both answered. 

Gabrielle dashed back and forth and worked. I kept throwing glances at her, afraid to let her out of my sight and scared to lose her…again. We could have been together, but at that time, she was serious about her schooling and I wasn’t just about to pull her away from that. That would be ruining her life. Before I left for Barcelona, however, we did talk.

“Don’t fall asleep.” Cesc told me and I smiled.

“Oh, trust me, I’m not.” I said and he chuckled.

“I really like you, Gerard.” Gabrielle said and I smiled.

“Good, because I do too.” I said.

“But, I can’t go out with you.” she said and my heart sank.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because, we’re both busy. Think about it, you go on home and away games, I stay at the offices and at school. What if one of us loses focus? That would ruin our lives and I don’t think I’m the right girl for you.” she said.

“We could make this work.” I insisted.

“Really? How? You will leave Manchester soon and so will I. The difference is that, you’ll be in Barcelona while I’ll be in Singapore for my other internship. I wouldn’t want to leave, but the opportunity…” she began.

“..is too perfect to let go, right?” I finished.

She nodded, we both looked at each other and an understanding passed. Of course, I don’t want to lose focus on what I love to do all my life and to push this whole thing would mean pushing her too. Possibly away, that is. I tried to smile and we both carried on with our dinner. Half an hour or so, later, we were standing outside her flat.

“I had a great time, Gab.” I said.

“Me too. I really wish..” she began.

“Ssh, it’s okay. Maybe this isn’t just our time.” I said and she smiled and stroked my cheek.

“Thank you, Gerard.” she said.

“You go your way, I go mine and if one day, we get another chance and end up together, no more letting go, okay?” I asked and she smiled, a tear fell and I kissed it away.

“That would be really beautiful.” she said and hugged me.

For a moment we stayed like that, until we kissed. The kiss was getting serious, neither of us showed no signs of stopping but in the end, we had to.

“I’m going to miss you, Gab.” I said.

“I will miss you too, everyday.” Gabrielle said and I smiled.

I turned my back and walked away. Two days later, I heard Gabrielle was already in Singapore and I was making my way to Barcelona. Home. At last. Never a day did I ever stopped thinkingabout her.


The whole shoot was fun, easy and long. But it was worth it. Seeing Pique brought one distant memory too, but I guess it was good. At least, I hope so. I smiled and began to unpack my stuff. It was time to take care of the boxes of stuff I brought here with me. I opened one box and immediately spotted a scrapbook I made while I was in Singapore and smiled. Such bittersweet memory this one was. It was filled with articles and pictures of Gerard Pique. I remembered crying for a month every time I remembered him, thinking what if he was the one that got away? And now… wow, after a few years, here we are. I got hired to work at FC Barcelona, and not once did I ever think about Pique, I was sure he was happy with whoever girl he had been dating or so.

“So silly.” I told myself.

I sat up and went back to unpacking everything and placing stuff. When I was done, it was around 9 in the evening and I could hear my stomach rumbling. I grabbed my bag and opened the door and was surprised at Pique, standing outside my doorstep, with a bouquet of flowers and a pizza box, smiling at me.

“Hello, Gab. I was just about to knock.” Gerard said.

“How did you know where I live?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Forgetting you work in the club that I play for too?” he asked.

“Oh yeah.” I answered.

“These are for you.” Pique said.

“Thank you.” I said and took the bouquet of flowers.

“While, this is for us. I was thinking we should eat it and talk?” he asked.

“Yeah, why not?” I answered and allowed him to come in.

“So, are you going somewhere?” he asked.

“I was about to get dinner..” I began.

“Will pizza be good for dinner or should I call for another delivery?” he butted in.

“No, no, this is perfect.” I said and he smiled.

“So, Pique, what else is there to talk about?” I asked.

It was already 12 midnight and here we were, talking on the couch. The pizza, along with the Chinese food we had ordered was already gone. He looked at me.

“Don’t be silly, Gab. I’m here because of that little talk we had, remember?” he reminded me.

“I never forget.” I said.

“Good, because I have always thought about it and I think now is the time for us to continue..”

I smiled and he smiled. He leaned over to kiss me and I kissed back.

“So, Gab, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.

“In a heartbeat, Gerard.” I answered and he smiled.

“And so, we continue our story?” he checked.

“Yes.” I answered and pulled him close to kiss him again.

“And this time, no letting go.” he reminded me.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” I said.

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