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A/N: So I had this idea the other day and I couldn't stop thinking about it, so here it is. I won't be updating on a schedule, just as and when I have an idea or a request. 


"It's okay Kirstie. Just breathe. Nice and gentle." Melissa said after the seizure ended. Olaf was licking Kirstie's face to keep her calm, and clear away the drool that had dribbled out of her mouth. It took a few minutes until she was conscious and coherent again, and as usual the first thing she did was give Olaf a hug. Kirstie remained quiet for the rest of the day, but no one in the family thought anything of it. She was always a bit more sensitive after a seizure.

Later that night, once everyone was asleep, Kirstie was lying in bed with her arms wrapped around Olaf. Since the seizure earlier, it had been on her mind for the rest of the day that she was a bit fed up of her situation. She loved Olaf and her family and her friends and everyone else that helps to keep her healthy, but sometimes she wished it would all disappear.

Kirstie barely slept that night, as dark thoughts swirled around her head. She spent most of the night crying into Olaf's fur. She had seen a couple of movies and shows where someone had got away from the big problem in their life by leaving everything behind. Maybe she could do the same. But where would she go? Most of the time, the other people had someone else they could go to. But Kirstie didn't want to burden anyone else with her problem. She just didn't want to deal with it anymore.

The next morning came and Kirstie had thought of a plan to get her problem to go away. She still wasn't sure where she would go, but the rest of it would be fine. And Olaf was coming with her, so it wouldn't be all bad. Right?

She barely spoke during breakfast, which the whole family accepted as just an off day. She would have to get her plan going as soon as possible. It was Saturday, so it was the best day to go through with it. Once breakfast was over, she ran back up stairs and quietly packed as much as she knew she could carry in terms of clothes. She managed to sneak some of Olaf's toys in there as well. The only thing she needed now, was some food for the trip.

Somehow she managed to go all morning without being suspected, and she was able to hide her bag over the fence of the back garden, so she could leave the house without any questions. All of the others were very loud and energetic after lunch, so it made Kirstie's plan even easier to carry out.

"Mum." Kirstie called as she went to get her shoes.

"Yes sweetie?" Melissa replied.

"I'm taking Olaf walking. The boys are too noisy." Kirstie said.

"Okay sweetheart. Don't be too long though." Melissa said with a smile at her daughter. What Melissa didn't pick up on, was that Kirstie didn't smile back.

Kirstie and Olaf got out of sight of the house, and then ran to where the fence was to retrieve the supplies.

"Well, this is it Olaf. This will sort things out, I'm sure of it." Kirstie and Olaf walked for quite a while, and no one questioned where she was going or where her parents where. She knew she looked a bit young to be out on her own, but she was 8 now, she could handle things. They walked until the houses stopped at the edge of a forest. Kirstie didn't even know that this was here. She hadn't been in a forest by herself before, but with Olaf by her side, she could do anything. Eventually, she found what looked to be a tree house. It was close enough to the ground that Olaf could get in easily and it was well covered, so the weather wouldn't be an issue either. This would do for now.

Back at home, Melissa was making dinner as she watched the boys playing together. She heard the front door open and wondered for a second who it could be.

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