No Meds?!

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A/N: What's this? Two updates in a week. I'm shocked. This relates to something very real going on in my life at the moment. 

Matt: 3 Mitch & Kirstie: 4 Scott: 6 Avi: 10 Kevin: 12

To say Melissa was worried, was a complete understatement. She hadn't been able to find Kirstie's meds for three weeks, and she was on the last bottles of each one. Kirstie's levels had dipped a bit too low, so for a little while she had to take more tablets to supplement it. Instead of taking 2 tablets in the morning, she was now up to 5 tablets. Kirstie had pointed out that she was taking more tablets at the moment than the amount of years she had been on the planet. A four-year-old saying it was very funny.

However due to the world going a bit nuts about the virus and wanting everyone to be safe, no meds were available from the usual places. Kirstie was lucky, her meds were just normal over-the counter ones that could be bought from pretty much anywhere that had a medicine or supplement aisle. But Melissa had not been able to find any of them, and she was becoming a bit desperate.


"Hi Dr Carlisle, it's Melissa."

"Oh hello. How are you and the family?"

"We're good, staying safe as best as we can."

"Good, good. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I haven't been able to get new meds for Kirstie for a while, and she's down to the last week of the ones she has."

"Ah. Right. That's a bit of a problem."

"Yeah, so I'm hoping I might be able to get some from you?"

"I'll see what I can do. If I can find the ones she needs I'll let you know and send them to you so you don't need to leave the house."

"Thank you."

"Not a problem. Bye."

Melissa felt a little bad for calling Dr Carlisle directly whilst he was probably working overtime, but she was trying to make sure Kirstie didn't end up in hospital and put even more pressure on the staff there.

It was two days later that Melissa got a message from Dr Carlisle about Kirstie's meds. He was able to get some for her, but they would not be arriving for a few days after the current ones ran out. It was a little risky, but it would have to do. Dr Carlisle even thought it might do Kirstie's immune system some good. A long period of time could result in the effectiveness being reduced, so three or four days without would give her system a chance to re-set, so the meds still worked.

Day one off the meds seemed to be fine. Kirstie was actually happy that she didn't have to take them, but she was a bit scared about what was going to happen without them. Melissa kept a closer eye on Kirstie, as did Kevin and Avi, but things seemed to be alright. Day two played out much the same way. Kevin mentioned that Kirstie could still get most of the levels she needed from food, so the effect without the meds wouldn't be so bad. Melissa knew from that moment that Kevin was destined to be very clever and go to a top university.

Day three and four felt like the same day. The universe may as well have hit repeat. The major difference was Dr Carlisle coming round on day four.

"Hello Dr Carlisle. Come on in. I thought you were going to send the meds in the post?" Melissa asked.

"Yes I was. But Kirstie is due to have her levels checked, so I figured it would be easier if I came here and did it."

"Oh I forgot about that. That makes sense."

As per usual, and as she was used to by now, Kirstie was perfect whilst Dr Carlisle checked her vitamin levels. And the results showed up on the home test very quickly. But what they showed did confuse the doctor.

"Huh. They are exactly where they should be. Even for being off the meds." He looked to Melissa for an explanation.

"Kevin suggested that we make specific meals with higher vitamin content that she needed to try and keep the seizures away."

"Smart thinking by Kevin then."

"Yeah. She wasn't keen on the food, but at least it worked."

"Would you rather take the tablets then Kirstie? And have your food be normal?"

"Yeah. Used to meds."

"Alright. So Melissa, you can go back to the normal routine in the morning with her meds. In theory her system won't notice the difference of where it's coming from. I have to get back to the hospital. Call me if you need anything."

"Thank you doc." Kirstie said waving goodbye.

Unfortunately for Dr Carlisle, his assumption was wrong. Kirstie's immune system reacted to going back on the meds. She started back on them in the morning of what would have been day 5 without, and things were okay. After lunch was when the effects presented themselves.

Kirstie was walking to her bedroom, with Olaf at her side as per usual, when her head started to feel funny. Olaf knew the signs immediately, and started barking. He gently grabbed her hand in his mouth and led her to her bedroom, where extra pillows were on the floor. He got the pillow in the right place jut in time. Kirstie tumbled to floor, hitting her arms and legs on the way down and violently seized.

Melissa had heard Olaf barking so was there just as the seizure started. It lasted a minute and 40 seconds. It could have been a lot worse, but it was still pretty bad. Bruises were already showing up on Kirstie's skin from falling to the floor. When she came to, Kirstie cuddled into Olaf and then promptly burst into tears.

"What's wrong honey?" Melissa asked, stroking her daughters' hair.


"Okay. You're alright. I'll let Dr Carlisleknow. He told me this morning that this might happen. Just have a quiet day today.Everything should be back to normal tomorrow." Kirstie nodded and then fellasleep with her arms wrapped around Olaf. She was so happy that Olaf was aroundwhenever she needed him. 

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