"Heather Moon And Inuyasha.

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"Heather......! I don't understand, Why the hell do we have to have a party, or why put so much work into this house, I mean do we have to put a tree in the house...! I am afraid Ginei will just try peeing on it, like a dog marking his turf, Say's Inuyasha" complaining.

"I will not

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"I will not...! I happen to be wolf, Half Demon, I am not going to pee on her tree, Spoken up Gin" annoyed. "Stop fighting...!!!!! Both of you right now...!!! Shouted out Heather" not in the mood for there fighting.

"Gin, please go outside to my car and bring the rest of the stuff in for the party please? Asked Heather" pleading.

He would just drop the fighting.

"Fine, I love you too much to stay mad, but tell the mutt to calm down will you, Replied Ginei" serious tone voice. Though he was in his human form, He was trying to be respectful of Heather's rules of the house No fighting in the house.

"You always defend him, I hate it, Say's Inuyasha" annoyed

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"You always defend him, I hate it, Say's Inuyasha" annoyed. "Inuyasha you are like my brother, I love you, but sometimes, you can be a real pain in the ass, do you know that, And the reason I am having this party is for everyone, See......!  Look I know that you don't get a lot of joyful experience's Inuyasha, I know as a kid and in your time, there wasn't much to be called upon Christmas, you didn't have a mother to share these things with, and family is a powerful and important part of Christmas, now she might not have taught you about the importance of Christmas, But I am....! Going to make sure you understand the true meaning of Family and Christmas spirit, Say's Heather" honestly.

"Why? It's not like Santa is coming here for me, I am not on this so called Good List, Of his, I am a bad boy remember, I don't do happy, And the last time I was happy, Was because I thought I was being with the woman I loved, And both of them have caused me nothing but pain, I don't see a point in celebrating when I have nothing to be thankful for? Spoken up Inuyasha" growling.

"Slap.......!!!!!!! I am so tired of you pitying yourself...! what Kagome did was fucked up, she had no right to use you like that...!!! But don't blame the whole female race because a of your bad experience's, you can always meet new friends and people. And I think you are going to like my sister Serena, she might even have a single friend for you as well, just be positive for once in your life...! Shouted out Heather" in a mood to get him to grow up. But it was useless, Inuyasha was a stubborn man.

"Alright...! I will be positive...! I am positive that it's not going to happen for me, so spare me your stories on true love, Say's Inuyasha" sarcastic tone of voice. As he went to his room for the night. As Heather picked up a pillow and put it over her face...! She screamed into the pillow.

"You alright? Asked Gin" confused. "I want him to try and see the good in the world......! This is all Kagome's fault...! I wish I could just shoot her with an arrow myself......!!! Shouted out Heather" annoyed. 

"I know, I know, just breath...! Breath...! Look Inuyasha will one day learn what your trying to do for him, He is just hurt, it's only been a year, so give him some time, He might not be ready to trust the world yet, Say's Gin" hugging her. "I know, I just wish he would see that this time of year, there's magic in it, there a spirit of this time of year, Miracles can happen, Say's Heather" honestly.

"That's why I love you, You are full of spirt, Enough spirit for both of us, And I know that he will come around, He will, Just let him see this year what Christmas really is, And remember Kagome didn't give him one before, She only fought by his side, Like you did, And we both know that what everyone went through was hard for everyone, Naraku and the Jewel was hard on everyone, And then losing Kikyo, So I know right now, Inuyasha is just in a lot of pain from feeling like he failed, And Kagome lied and cheated on him, So give him time, he will learn, Say's Gin" kissing her cheek.

"Your right, Care to help me put up the tree and the lights on the house? Asked Heather" blushing. "He smiled and said only if she lets him have a kiss under the Mistletoe. Heather smiled and laughed and teased him, so she pulled him over to the little kissing flower hanging from the door, she went in, He was expected the lips, but she teased him, and kissed him on the cheek. Boom...! There. There's your kiss, Now let's get back to work, Spoken up Heather" giggling.

"Not fair...! That's not a kiss...! Spoken up Ginei" smiling and pertaining to be hurt. "Wasn't it, you didn't say where to kiss you, you just said a kiss, Say's Heather" teasing him. "He laughed, and then helped set up the house and the decorations.

Inuyasha had been listening from his door, He might have shut it, but he could still hear them. He let the tears fall again. He was mad, He hated Kagome, but he wanted to give life a better chance, but how and who would love him now, Kagome was one of a kind along with Kikyo, being accepted for being a Half Demon, doesn't anyone know it might be easy for Gin to hide, But Inuyasha has a hard time with it. How can girls treat him any differently? He worried that this was it for him, but then again there is someone he fancied but she was with another but besides he felt like it was hopeless.

So, can he handle the changes of this time, can he learn the true meaning of Christmas? Keep reading and find out. To Be Continued.

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