Chapter III: Digits

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My platform isn't very high, not even reaching one foot, but I still feel like I mean something looking down at all the eager faces below me. They're not here for me, and probably won't even remember my face after today, and I won't remember most of theirs.

I'll be remembering one, of course.

The crowd seems more overwhelming from this angle. Scanning the crowd with a small smile as to not seem dead inside, I accidentally lock eyes with the one and only Katsuki Bakugou. He barely gives me a smirk before redirecting his penetrating gaze to the man everyone really came here for, Eiichi Viva. His eyes, which were essentially rubies trapped in a sea of white, could always make me flustered. I better not be turning pink right now.

Mr. Viva has finished his drone of a speech and it's my turn it's my turn it's my turn to talk. My hands shake in front of my face and grip the microphone, praying that when I open my mouth that the sound that comes out sounds at least slightly human. 

"How we doin', Tokyo?" I projected into the mic, smiling wider than my fake grin earlier. I had determined that as long as I keep my eyes off him, I'll be fine. It's just speech, c'mon (Y/N), I thought motivationally to myself. It didn't do much motivating.

The rest of my speech was basically a lot of "I'm so honored to be here"'s and "I won't let you down"'s. Hallmark would've been green if they got a glimpse of how cornball I sounded. When I finally was set free from the torture chamber that is public speaking, my view finally slid back down to the blonde boy just a little bit beneath me. Pretty sure the audience could almost see the internal screaming going on there, but I let it all out with a deep sigh as my microphone was officially deactivated.

More boring talking filled my ears, but I made sure to look as interested as ever. Wow, I'm just *so* intrigued by state-of-the-art espresso machines. Yup, talk about that for another 5 minutes, I'd love to have to listen to you repeat the same things over and over again while I just stand here doing absolutely nothing. 

At last, the snooze-fest was over! With the biggest and shiniest pair of scissors you ever did see, the lengthy red ribbon that wrapped around the building's perimeter was snipped by Mr. Viva, and the cheers instantly began to roll in. Viva Coffee Shop was officially in business. God, it felt like the applause lasted just as long as the actual ceremony. All the speakers of honor shook hands and just like that, I was free to go.


I sat in my car, ready to leave, when I was startled beyond belief by a loud knocking on my window. My jaw dropped, almost screaming from shock, but mouth opening once again after I realized just who the knocks had been administered by. 

The one and only Kacchan was waiting, brow furrowed, for me to roll the window down for him...

...And roll the window down for him I did. His hands were balled into tight fists at his sides, just making me wonder what this was about even more. Did he want my insurance information for bumping into him? Was I about to get into a fight with my lifelong crush? What was the issue NOW?

I was about to ask a few of the similar questions I had but I was cut off by an angry tone that did not at all match the words that were being spoken. "Give me your number. It's more of a demand, not a request, so..." My heart was actually dancing here. Did I really just hear that? 

"Is there someone else in this car right now you're looking for?" I looked around the vehicle, joking around as I do with anyone. He looked down a sighed, easily frustrated with me, but I just snickered. "Give me your arm, I don't have any paper." I requested, uncapping a pen with my teeth.

The aggravated male set his arm on the base of the fully rolled-down window and I began jotting down the 7-digits, holding him steady so I could write legibly with one hand and actually doing it with the other. I recapped the pen, smiling up at him and only receiving the tiniest expression of joy in return in his features. Not surprised. 

"Thanks, (Y/N)." Kacchan muttered as he turned around in a huff, unaware I caught him admiring the numbers on his skin. My handwriting was nothing special, but I guess it was for him.

But then it hit me. 

I never told him my name that day.

Katsuki Bakugou remembered me after all those years and now we're right back to where we were. I felt like I was dreaming, but even after pinching myself, nothing changed. Damn.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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