I Can't Be With Someone I Don't Trust And Who Lies To Me

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After giving Pamela to Cole and watching the horrible ordeal Cole subjected Pamela too, Colby knew he had made a mistake in letting Cole manipulate him into getting Pamela for him. Colby decided it was time to do the right thing, he drove to the Performance centre as he pulled up he Saw Fergal coming out of the door. 

Fergal- Hey Colby, Finally working out are we?

Colby- No, You need to come with me, It's Pamela 

Fergal- Whats wrong, Is she ok?

Colby- Cole has her, it's all my fault he tricked me in to taking her there 

Fergal- Wait, Why you?

Colby- I don't know the point is he blackmailed me and said if I didn't bring him his money and Pamela he would hurt Rebecca. I'm sorry mate 

Fergal- I don't care about a sorry right now just get me to Pamela 

Fergal gets into the car and they drive to the house Cole is holding Pamela in, when they get there the pair look for a way in, They find a window and look in not seeing anyone they both break in and Colby takes Fergal to the room Pam is locked in. 

Fergal- Help me kick this in 

They kick the door in and find Pam laying on the ground batter and bruised and Fergal rushes over to her and Pam opens her eyes and see him and bursts into tears

Fergal- Shh it's OK I'm here now

Colby-Ferg we need to get her out of here right now before Cole finds us  

Fergal agrees and picks Pamela up lifting her into his arms Fergal, Pam and Colby make a run for it but when they get to the door Cole steps out holding a knife to Rebecca's neck as other gang members hold them at gunpoint.

Cole- Well, Well,Well if it isn't my bestie Colby, Say hi to your fiancee  

Colby-Why are you doing this?

Cole- You know why but are you gonna tell the truth to your Friend and fiancee or am I?

Rebecca- What's he talking about Colby?

Colby- I don't know 

Cole- Oh You don't remember well maybe this will get you to remember 

Suddenly Cole stabs Rebecca in the side and begins to turn the knife as she screams in pain as Cole again tells Colby to tell Rebecca how he knows him and the things his done for him. 

Colby- OK Fine I was apart of Cole's gang and the one that introduce Pamela to him 

Cole- And what else did you do to sweet Pamela?

Colby- I had sex with her 

Cole- And

Colby- I knew where she was when she was meant to be dead 

Fergal- What? How could you do this do me Colby 

Colby- I'm sorry please Rebecca forgive me 

Rebecca starts sobbing disgusted with Colby as Colby continues to begs for forgiveness. Cole is smiling before he throws Rebecca down and forces himself on her while she's screaming Colby unable to watch any longer lunges at Cole while Fergal and Pam take down the two gang members knocking them out. Colby meanwhile is fuming and beating the hell out of Cole.

 Rebecca crawls away from Colby and Cole fighting before falling to the floor as Pamela rushes to her side and presses on her wound 

Pamela- You're gonna be OK Becky 

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