Percy jackson

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I sat up from the bench and walked onto the bus to Manhattan, the few people that where on the bus looked at me . I can understand why, I mean if you saw a 13 year old girl with torn up close what would you do?

I found an empty seat in the back of the bus. I pulled my hoodie up and plugged in my ear phones, "time to start a knew life." I whispered and shut my eyes. I drifted off into a nightmare.

I was on a tall building of a roof top I was in battle armor and had a sword out, and I was covered in an ash like substance, I looked down to see death, lifeless body's thrown around blood every where.

I stepped away from the edge, to see a woman with dagger in hand. "You don't have to be like them ocean," she spoke "you could win on are side of the war." she almost pleaded

"No." I said sternly as I looked away from her,that was a horrible idea because she pushed me off the edge, I grabbed on barley with my finger tips. the woman walked over. she stabbed my arm making me relies my hold and fall, but before I coulda she whispered, "your death will be the bloodiest of all."

My eyes fluttered oped to see an old man infront of me. I smiled sheepishly. "excuse me ma'am are you alright?" I nodded then stat up. "what stop is this?" I questioned,
"Well it's the first stop to Manhattan" i thanked the man then ran off the bus.

The winter air was crisp, I ran down the busy streets of New York, getting looks like I was crazy. I sat at the front of an apartment building, I could tell it was early in the morning because the sun was just rising and people had just started getting up and turning there lights on.

I here'd snickering from behind me. Crap, I sat up and ran well the best I could do with a dog the size of a dump truck behind me, it crashed into trash cans and slid on the snow but never the less it still chased me. I felt its over size paw slam me into a wall, and scratch my arm making my hoodie tare.

I watched as the animal turned into a hind of golden ash as it melted away into a small ashy puddle. Behind it stood a man with a bronze sword in his hand, he turned it back into a pen.

"Hey! are you ok!?" He said running over to me. I was still kind of shocked so I backed away from him or tried to I was up agents a brick wall after all. He walked towards me slowly and put his hands out signaling that I was safe.

I was still shaken up a bit about the hole giant dog thing, he took a few steps closer to me and held out his hand I took it. He pulled me up, I winced in pain as he grabbed a gash the woman in my dream gave me. "we need to get you back to camp, fast" he said examining my wound, "I'm Percy Jackson nice to meat you." he said, "Ocean Heart," I said before collapsing.


I sat down at the dinning pavilion for breck fast, Soon most of the people from my cabin came to join me. We talked about what we were going to do today.

"Help!" I here'd some one scream and turned around to see Percy carrying a girl, blood stained his close I was going to ask him if he was hurt but I saw the girls arm was bleeding intently. I quickly ran over to them and so did most of the Apollo kids.

The girl had long dark brown hair and looked like she had been wearing the same close for a year but she was gorges . I watched as they took the girl away from Percy and I went to go talk to him.

"Dude! what happened!?" I half yelled. He looked a little historical. "I-I don't know she was just attacked by a hell hound then she just passed out that's it!" he said worry filling his voice. Annabeth tried to calm him down as did piper soon percy was off to take a shower.

I went to go check on the Apollo kids in the infirmary they had the girls arm stitched up and she was cleaned up,




I sat down in a chair next to her and the Apollo kids left to go talk to Chiron, She kept mumbling things like, mom and I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do so I just grabbed her hand and she when back into a peace full sleep. I saw as she opened her beautiful blue eyes.


I opened my eyes and slowly tested my limbs when I tried my left arm I found that some one was holding it, I looked to see who it was, but found him staring at me I blushed a little when he gave me a sheepish smile.

He had curly hair, and tan skin he looked about 14. I almost instantly fell back down finding that I could no longer hold up my own weight. He sat up to help me, and kept a firm grip around my back so I wouldn't fall back down, "Where am I and who are you?" I said my voice sounding horrible.

"I'm Leo Valdez bad boy supreme." he said and we chuckled a little. "And your at camp half blood the only place safe for are kind." I looked at him confused. "What exactly are we?"
I asked in response to his answer.

"We are Demi gods,half god half human, one of your parents is a god which ever one you grew up with out." he said explaining. "that's why you see things like monsters, and have ADHD and that's also why you are dyslexic your brain is hard wired for Greek the ADHD so you are always on your feet in battle, any idea who your godly parent is?" I let all of that proses in my mind.

"Well I grew up with out my father, and no I have no idea." I said. "Hmmmm tell me about your self, maybe we can find some thing to relate you with." I nodded.

"Well my name is Ocean Heart, I like to make people smile, I like to swim, food is the best thing in this world and I like to disobey orders, and I like the sun when it worms me up." I finished my sentence. he looked like he was processing all that in his brain.

"Apollo maybe? I don't know but we will find out at the camp fire later," he said still looking like he was processing something in his mind. I didn't like being bad ridden so I asked him if I could get up.

"Sure why not, I guess you want a tour of the place to hu?" I nodded eagerly. "ok, are you strong enough to get up?" his question sounded more like a challenge so I took it as one by removing his hand from my back and sitting up swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

I tested by standing up but my legs felt like jello and almost instantly fell. Leo grabbed me by the waist picking me up and pulling my arm over his shoulder, and holding tightly to me.

I blushed when his eyes met mine, his big soft coco brown eyes -

No you are not falling for some one you just met! I screamed in my mind. I looked ahead of me at the stair case. This was going to be one heck of a challenge.


I sat on the peace off wood as others gave me weird stairs, like-omg-who's-that-girl. Leo sat next to me, a wide smile on his face. I love his smile it's so sweet and forgiving. Soon more people arrived and Salk the over sized peaces of drift wood was filled up. So far I loved this camp, it had lakes to swim in a basket ball cohort a pavilion it never rains and so many unknown friends! who wouldn't love it here? Ok Mr. D has an exception he's mean and called me oscar hreth!

I saw Chiron step, or Gallup up? whatever horse men do.
"Attention campers," he spoke getting every one to stop talking. "As you know we have a knew camper, Ocean Heart will you please stand up and come here." I did what he said and walked up I underestimated how many campers where here now that all eyes where on me.

I looked up at the blue light above my head , a trident shimmered above my head slowly disappearing. I here'd some people murmur from the crowd. some one screamed "dibs" witch made me blush a little.

Soon Chiron spoke up. " All hail Ocean May Heart daughter of the sea god." I found that every one was bowing. I was the daughter of posiden.

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