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Kaden walked into the school building. It smelled like a combination of honey and cinnamon. It smelled like home. He was happy to be back, to see all his friends. He was head of the vampire house this year and wanted to make it special.
   Walking to his room he saw one of his friends, Hades, standing. He looked worried. His brows were furrowed under his red bangs. His dark roots were showing.
"Hades, you good?" He asked. "I can't find my things!" Hades exclaimed. Even though he was taller, and older then Kaden, he still seemed like a child. He had big green eyes and an extremely pouty lip.
   "I'm sure we can get your head of house to help." Kaden offered. "That won't work because I am the head of house!" Oh shit. Kaden thought to himself. Hades was the head of the Witch house. "Yo! Kaden, Hestia! What's up?" A voice said behind them.
   Kaden turned around. It was Astra, the Witch house prankster. Also, Kaden made a mental note that most people didn't know about Hades being trans. That's why people still called his Hestia.
   Astra had shoulder length blonde hair touching a blue scarf. "Hey Astra, Hestia can't find there things. Can you help?" Kaden asked. "Sure!" Astra said and dragged Hades away.
   Kaden walked on. He heard yelling coming from down the hall. Oh man. He knew exactly who it was. He walked on anyway. It was Jackson, his best friend. They were close even before he got lycanthropy. It was Kaden who got I'm into the school.
   Kaden also knew, wherever there is a werewolf Hati is not far behind. Hati was the Werewolf house head. A stubborn but knowledgeable girl. She was a no nonsense kind of person so Kaden knew his best friend was in good hands.
   Finally, Kaden arrives in the vampire dorm. There is a young girl sitting by herself that looks around fourteen. Kaden approached her carefully. "Hi there, I'm Kaden. The head of the vampire house. What's your name?"
   "I'm Lilith, Lilith Vanhelzing." The girl sheepishly replied. She looked to be a recently turned vampire. Kaden was going to have to ask about that later. Right now he had to unpack. "Well, if you need me I'll be here!" Kaden told her and walked to his room.
   He was surprised by the size. It was a head of house special dorm room. It was perfect. He quickly put his things away and went to look for Jackson. He hadn't seen him all summer. Kaden has been busy with family matters.
   On his way to the werewolf dorm he bumped into Kelsey and Lyra, two sirens. Kelsey had dark skin with subtle scaling. Her hair was to the side with a white clip. Lyra had dark scaling and a shell necklace she always wore.
   "Ugh, Kaden. What do you want?" Kelsey asked him. "Nothing, I'm just walking." Kaden said and walked past them. Kelsey is the school's mean queen. He was honestly glad she was the only one.
   He finally got to the werewolf dorm and Jackson was there waiting. "Kaden! I missed you!" He exclaimed as he hugged his best friend. Jackson had brown bushy hair back in a ponytail and wore a necklace that had different color circles on it. "I'm so sorry I wasn't able to hang out with you." Kaden replied.
   "What's a vampire doing in here? I can smell them." It was Luke. Oh shit, here he comes. Kaden had a crush on Luke, he had for a while. But Luke hated vampire. "Oh, it's Kaden. That's fine." He says as he walked back to his room. I thought he hated all vampires? Oh well, nothing to worry about now.
   "Did you meet the new girl yet?" Jackson asked Kaden. "Yah, she's a vampire. If course I did." Kaden replied, obviously confused. "No, not her. Another one. Miss 'Ice Queen'." Jackson told him. She was obviously part of another house because he had not met her yet. Kaden made himself a mental note to go introduce himself to her later.
   "Heyyy, I'm back" Luke said, strolling back in. Oh god he's shirtless. Kaden thought to himself. "Ugh, Luke. Where is your decency? Put on a damn shirt." Jackson said, obviously annoyed. Luke ignored him and looked at Kaden, who was currently blushing. "Um, hi Luke. W-what's up?" Was all Kaden could say.
   "Well, thanks to you, my d- OUCH JACKSON!" Luke was interrupted by a jar in the ribs from an irritated Jackson. "Leave him alone, Anthem." Jackson growled at Luke. "You, me, well finish this later." Luke said with a wink to Kaden.
   "Sorry about him, let's go to the common area." Jackson said to Kaden as he dragged out the door. Kaden let him, he was just happy to be with friends. He was happy to be back at school. Kaden looked over and was an obviously new student, she wasn't waring the uniform.
"Hi, I'm Kaden Drakule. I'm the head of the vampire house. I'm just informing you there is a dress code." She just looked at him, unimpressed. She was an elf, her long blonde hair was topped with a delicate crown. Oh, royalty. Kaden thought to himself.
"I'm Princess Chrysanthemum. I assume that I will have to change." She replied coldly. "Well, nice to meet you Chris. I'll see you later but I gotta go." Kaden saint as he walked away with Jackson. "My name is Chrysanthemum!" She yelled after them.
They got to the common area. It was packed. "Hey! Kaden, Jackson!" Celaena, the head of the elf house, yelled when she saw them. "Hey Celaena, what's up?" Kaden replied. Celaena had dirty blonde hair with purple bottoms. She had white face markings showing her not being of nobility. She also had a Swedish accent.
"Hey, Kaden. Congrats on being head of vampire house." Said someone from behind them. Kaden turned around to reveal Titon, the head of the siren house. He was laid back and usually calm. He always wore a scarf around his head.
   Kaden was happy to finally be home.

Hey! Al here. I tried to introduce as many characters as possible. More will be introduced later. Sorry this is so short, I just wanted to get an actual chapter out today. I will try to post some time every Monday. See ya next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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