His warmth.

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        When Him and I stopped talking we also stopped hugging which broke my heart even more. He was always so warm and smelled amazing. I wish I was good enough for his hugs.
          I never showed how much I missed him and his hugs though, because if I did then I couldn't hide the fact that he was my everything anymore.
           Sophomore year rolled up and that was the year where I wanted it all to end. I had no classes with Him. I don't know if that was for the better or the worse but everything started to slow down when I noticed him for the first time after that long summer.
           Although my eyes were on his, his eyes were meeting another's. The eyes of a snake, his beautiful eyes weren't mine anymore. They are hers now and the only person I can blame was myself.

His lips tangled with hers.

        I'm the one who left him alone in the dark.

I left him and ran into the arms of fear.

         She created a false light just to lure him in and call it love. I was so close until fear took my heart and locked it away in a box.

Why can't you be mine?

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