2• Scarlet Hooker

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I wake up, get up, get dressed, get breakfast then leave. Or at least that was the plan, because soon I look down and see my best friend in my bed... shirtless.
Now I know how it may seem, but I know for a FACT that I most definitely did not just sleep with my precious Scotty. So, I try and shake it off while taking about a billion of mental pictures- I've seen him shirtless quite a bit before, so why is it a new impact on me now?

"Mornin'" I hear a voice behind me; which I react quickly to, accidentally punching Scott across the face. "OH MY GOD, I'M SO SORRY!" "Stiles, it's fine. I'll heal, but, god, did your punches get stronger." Scott responded clutching his jaw. "Can I get you something like an ice pack?" I said getting a little panicky even though I know he's right.
"No, it's all right. Hey do you mind me borrowing some clothes?" He responded, going through my clothing already knowing I was gonna let him. "Well, I'm gonna take a shower."

- tine skip cus I'm lazy -

Scott and I get to school, seeing the same ladies from last time waiting at the front doors. We greet them, of course, with me fazed out. Until, "So, Stiles, I'm coming to yours to study, right?" I was supposed to help Malia with her math study.. and I forgot.
I mean, when you're in a panic about one thing, it's hard to think about other things so of course I was gonna forget something important; but to make it even 'better', I have work today and I don't want to break my promise so...

"Yeah, I'll drive you from school." I say slightly cheery with a steady heart beat. Just end my misery now.

We walk into class and once again, your boy was in a whole other world. I still took notes when needed, but I wasn't really listening. I was stuck in my head, my panic and worry, my anxiety. It was all blue and black; a mess of thoughts. My mind was blank and full all at once, aching with a soothing pain. I didn't feel like I was sitting or breathing or human.
In my mind I was floating- I was spinning in circles; upside down, left, right. It was peaceful with all the noise in my brain. I viewed myself laughing, dancing, having fun doing what I do.

Why can't I stay in my mind. Safe and sound. The outside is scary, yet I'm forced to live it. I never wanted to exist in this world, so why am I here? I rather stay happily in my imagination where nothing can hurt me; but the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, is it?

"Stiles, you alright, man?" And back into the world I go. "Yeah, everything's just great." I look over at him. His chocolate eyes, sweet, and his smooth tan skin.
I stare at his features and small details, each one prettier than the one before. "You're pretty" I whisper, then look back at the lesson. I know he might be confused or weirded out by what I say, but right now I really don't mind.

Soon, class ends and we're allowed to leave to head to the next and the next and more after that. Time's so long, makes the world boring. Though, I somehow survive the dreadful classes and barely make it to lunch alive.
"Hey! What's up" I yell out as I sit next to Scott. "Hey, Stiles." All respond, happily, except-

"How ya doin', Scotty," Here we go, off to awkward palace. "Hi"
"That's it? Huh, that's odd, Scotty boi. Well, what's going on, anything new, new big bad? Come on, I'm bored." From there Lydia starts talking about some random black magic stuff. Something to do with people and this woman. Eventually we decide on talking more about later in the week, since they don't really know themselves- not to mention this weeks supposed to be a bonding week.

The day ends and I have to go to work in about an hour and a half. I get in the car drive home and go to my room.

Today at work I don't really have to do much except for thirty minutes of a lil performance at the end of the day. So, I get dressed and pretty much ready to go until I noticed an old makeup bag of mine from middle school. It was also my mom's.

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