Curly turn to straight hair

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Madison P.O.V

Molls had a prank to straight Harry's hair while he's alseep me and molls went to the bathroom to get the straighteners an Louis god know what he's doing. After me and molls got the straighteners we went to the living room to see all the boys still alseep I taught they would be up by now well not Zayn . Me and molls stared straightening his hair when we see Louis come out of the kitchen with a back of carrots "Louis what are you doing!" I saying screaming/whispering "what does it look like I'm eatting a bag of carrots?" "Put those down and help us with this mob of curls." "UGHH fine your bossy Madison just saying" "hey I can't help it god made me this way and plus I get it from my mother" "WILL Y'ALL SHUT THE HELL UP!" With that me and Louis did fight just got straight to work

*30 minutes later*

"That took a long time who knew Harry would have that much hair to straighten." "I know right now lets get all this stuff out of here a go back to sleep so when he wakes up he will not know who did it" molls said we all up the straighteners back cause he usual wakes up at this time I know y'all think its weird but that how close we all are we know what time we all wake up.

Molls goes back to her spot where she was asleep on Harry and me an Luis got in our spots where I was asleep on him we hear someone get up its Harry cause we know what time he get up I hear him go to the bathroom and I hear screaming "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY HAIR!"


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