notebook confessions ➳ junho

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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉☽𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐 𝒂𝒖 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒉☽𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐 𝒂𝒖 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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☽ you've been crushing on junho since forever

☽ but you don't really show your feelings on your face or actions

☽ and you don't fangirl over him openly like the other girls in your school

☽ you just write them all in a notebook

☽ which you take with you everywhere in case someone reads it and embarrasses you

☽ well unfortunately

☽ one time when you were going to the art room with your hands full of art supplies

☽ the notebook slipped out without you noticing

☽ poor thing was left in the middle of the hallway

☽ a cute boy named hyeongjun from your grade saw it on his way to dance lesson and picked it up

☽ being the angel he is, he opened the first page to see if the owner of the book wrote their name on it and return it to them

☽ the only thing he saw was an anonymous person writing about their developing feelings for one of his friend, junho

☽ coincidently, junho was in the same dance class as him

☽ so hyeongjun brought the notebook to his dance lesson

☽ and told him about someone having a crush on him

☽ junho didn't know how to react

☽ "who do you think it could be"

☽ a certain someone's name popped up in junho's mind

☽ oh how he bad he wished it was you

☽ but he thought it'd be impossible since you looked uninterested in life every time he saw you and didn't seem like the kind of person to have many feelings

☽ "i don't know, you can ask around though"

☽ "okay~"

☽ hyeongjun's next lesson was music

☽ when he got to the music room, he was the first so he waited for other students to come

☽ the second person to arrive was minhee, who's in the same class as you

☽ "mini do you know who this notebook belongs to? i saw it in the hallway before my dance lesson"

☽ "this notebook? oh it's my seat mate's, i can help you return it"

☽ "thank you~"

☽ you realized your dear notebook's absence during your double art lesson

☽ which made you super anxious the whole time not knowing where it could be

☽ when class ended, you immediately dashed out of the room and returned to your own classroom to see if it's there

☽ "hey, this notebook is yours right? my friend found it in the hallway"

☽ your seat mate minhee asked as you where freaking out searching for the said notebook

☽ "oh thank goodness, yes it's mine. did your friend read anything inside though?"

☽ "i don't know. hyeongjunie picked it up before his dance lesson and gave it to me the lesson just now"

☽ you might look normal outside but inside you were panicking

☽ because you remembered that junho had the same dance lesson with hyeongjun

☽ oh well

☽ it was lunch time already so everyone went to the cafeteria

☽ "...and then she asked me if you read anything inside the notebook"

☽ minhee told hyeongjun before taking a sip of his banana milk

☽ "did she say anything else?"

☽ "no, but did you read what's inside? i'm curious hehe"

☽ hyeongjun then spilt the tea to the rest of the 02line

☽ "junho are you gonna do anything?"

☽ eunsang asked, knowing the other boy's crush on the girl

☽ "probably not. better not let her know that we know what's in her notebook"

☽ "what about you actually get closer to her and not just watch from afar?"

☽ the other boys seemed to agree with dongpyo's suggestion

☽ and that's how he start talking to you

☽ the two of you share some classes

☽ he knew luck was on his side when your music teacher decided to switch your seats

☽ guess who became seat mates

☽ yes you two

☽ you were lowkey surprised when he started a conversation with you

☽ you were very awkward with each other at first

☽ but then eventually got more relaxed and comfortable

☽ you began to hangout with each other more

☽ after a while the 02line invited you to join them for lunch

☽ which you couldn't say no to since dongpyo had to be the one that asked you and made you all soft for him

☽ y'all soon became good friends and hungout on a daily basis

☽ you and junho got more time together and your feelings for each other just grew deeper

☽ one morning a wave of confidence suddenly washed over you

☽ you just straight up walked into junho's classroom and

☽ "cha junho, be my boyfriend"

☽ "i- what- okay"

☽ to say he was flustered is an understatement

☽ his classmates who have already arrived were also left speechless at your boldness

☽ your 02line friends all laughed at junho when they heard the news

☽ you later found out that he was actually planning on asking you out during lunch that day

☽ great minds think alike i guess

☽ great minds think alike i guess

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"are you feeling...flustered?"

ily if you get the reference

🐾 rae

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