Bake me some love-larry/lilo

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This is kind of the second part of "my crazy stalker" enjoy!


Louis P.O.V

It's been over a month since I saw Harry at Starbucks, I know I promised him to go to the bakery but I can't, I have Liam well kind of, lately he's been distant,maybe he is planing something, what If he wants to marry me?! Omg he will propose me! I get extremely sexy and cook lasagna, he should me home in half an hour, I turn the radio on and slow music invaded the room, the table had to Red candles and flowers between them, I placed two wine cups and the lasagna, I can't believe I'm getting married!

-do we have beer?-guess who's home

-hi baby-I go to him and kiss him- I made dinner, just for us-I smile


I go to the kitchen and listen the music go off

-li?-I go to the other room and I see him-what are you doing?

He was eating from the plate at the sofa, with the bottle of wine while watching T.V

-I wanted to make this perfect-I whisper

-just eat

We watched T.V and u couldn't take it anymore

-I know that you want to ask me something,just do it

-who told you?

-I'm a smart boy-I giggled

-Louis, I want to...

-yes!-I kiss him-oh sorry,finish the sentence-I giggle

-Louis I want to break up

-what?-I feel like everything is on pause

-I'm moving to Alaska,my job just gave me the news ,but I want to leave everything behind, and that includes...

-me-I whisper-when?

-two days

-why didn't you tell me?!

-I made a note

-you are an asshole-I got up

-where are you going?

-I'm leaving,have a nice flight


-what?-I open the door

-can we have goodbye sex?

-go to hell- shut the door so hard that the floor shivered


Today is the day that Lili leaves,It's weird because I don't miss him, I wish he told me before so I could be friends with Harry, I couldn't because I'm afraid I would fall for that boy, but if Lili and I didn't dated I would be with him,I'm positive of that, I won't be here missing the asshole that left me when I can see the one I care for,I get ready and go to the bakery,the room smells so good I think I could live here

-hello?-I stand in the counter

-just a second!

I fix my hair and see a cute little blonde guy with a cake on his hand,flour on his nose,pink cheeks, and messy hair

-what can I do for you?

-is Harry here?

-oh my!,you are Louis!,you are really cute just like he describes you-he smiled

-he talks about me?

-he would never shut up!,he used to come early and have everything clean for the day you came,but you never did-he placed the cake on the counter

-that's my bad,is he here?

-he left,he works at a tiny cafe in Covent garden

-why did he left?

-it's been over a month since he waited for you,go and find him-he went back to the kitchen

Oh great,now I feel guilty, I walked to Covent garden and saw a tiny cafe, with flowers and tables, before going in I fixed my hair and clothes,took a deep breath and finally got in

-Harry?-I saw a curly boy cleaning the windows

-Lou?-he looked shocked

-hi,are you busy?

-not much, do you need something?

-would you go on a date with me?

-me?-he Bit his lip-what about your boyfriend?

-well that-I heard an airplane at the distance-wont be a problem-I smiled

-I would love to-he smiled and I almost melted

Finally everything is in its place, I really think he could be the one


Sorry it's crappy :c

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