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Okay...this one is just for like thoughts that run through my head sometimes...does anyone feel like this? Any of these?

Friends fade...
Think about that one person you were so close to in middle school.
You're best friends.
Can you tell me what it is that they are doing right now? Can you tell me their life struggles? I very much doubt it since its been a while.
I find that the stories that we have made together become just that...stories to be told to someone else.
The people you were once close with become strangers with history.
I cannot say that I know them anymore, it would be a lie.
Do you remember being little and wanting to be all grown up?
Wanting to win the race.
I can and I now look back and laugh because to be honest you never grow up. I used to think, 'wow, one day I am going to wake up and feel like an adult.' I now know that that was a load of horse crap since you never feel all grown up.
You are forever a child.
Life isn't a race to be won.

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