Hibiki~A bottle of sparkles

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You hesitantly put your hand into the hat, and started to feel around. You felt several things, but nothing really felt right. Your hand grazed something, it was small, round, and smooth. You pull it out, and inspected it. A small bottle, that had something in it, you brought it closer and saw that it was golden little starts, the kind that always follow around Ichiya. Oh god no! Not Ichiya! Please! You looked around hoping to see another person standing, but no one was.

"He's already inside," Gray said having you turn your attention to him. You just nodded in dread and slowly walked in there. Well, just cause we are in a small....closed....space....i-it doesn't mean he's gonna try anything. You reach the door and hesitantly grab the handle. Everyone was getting impatient. So when you opened it you were shoved in. You tripped and fell, while the door was slammed behind you. Quickly you got up and started scratching at the door, regretting your decision. 

"PLEASE LET ME OUT!"  You yelled as you tried to claw your way to freedom.  Your pleas were replied to with laughter from the other side of the wall.

"Are you alright?"  Came a soft caring voice.

"W-wait...what?"  You said completely confused.  Ichiya has always had a loud, annoying voice, so where was this coming from?

"I asked if you were ok?  I heard you fall and wanted to make sure you were ok, my princess,"  the voice said again.  Still confused you felt around for the light switch.  Finally finding it you flipped it on to see something that sent you slightly stumbling back.  

"H-Hibiki?"  You asked backing up against the door.

"Something wrong?"  He asked, giving his gentleman smile and and lightly closing his eyes while tilting his head.  

"N-no...just..not who I was expecting.."  You said regaining your composure.  

"May I ask who you were expecting?"  He asked opening his eyes, his brown eyes gazing into your rich (eye color) ones.  

"O-oh..ummm.."  You stuttered clenching the bottle, "I-Ichiya," you chuckled.

"Oh?  Boss isn't here right now, something came up I think..."  Hibiki said, "I hope you're not unhappy that it's me instead,." his smile slightly diminishing.  

"NO NO NO!!  Not in the slightest,"  You insisted.

"Oh, well then, good."  Hibiki said the smile returning to his face.

"Sooo..umm...what do you want to do now?"  You said rocking on your feet.

"Whatever the princess desires,"  Hibiki said winking at you, a sparkle escaping.  This, of course made you blush immensely 

"O-oh...ummm..errr.." you stuttered, and before you could get out a proper sentence you found your lips occupied.  Occupied by...well..another pair of lips.  Your brain was a mess, so many thoughts ran through your mind, but the most important did come until the end. Oh god I'm not kissing back!! But before you could do anything about it, the kiss was broken and Hibiki was on the other side of the room, a blushing mess.  Why is he a blushing mess?!  He's the one who constanly goes around flirting with other girls!  "Uhhh.." was all you could make out.

"Sorry!  Y-you were just stuttering and I didn't know what to do...sooo...I kinda just..yeah,"  Hibiki said stuttering.  This is so out of character for him!  Why is he acting like this?  

"N-NO!"  You almost yelled, "No, i-it was nice,"  You smiled.  

"Really?"  Hibiki said looking up, his blush fading slightly.

"Yeah," you replied looking down at the ground.   

"Well then," HIbiki said regaining his composure, he slid over to were you were standing and took your chin between his fingers.  "Why not try it again?"  He leaned in to kiss you and you took a breath in.  

and you started to choke.  You coughed and sputtered.  the door swung open and several people began to look at you.  "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"  yelled Cana, basically attacking Hibiki.  Finally you coughed it up, you had swollowed one of Hibiki's sparkles!  Several people began to laugh and you joined them.  This turned out better then I thought it would!


A/N:  So I thought this would be a funny ending!  yeah sorry it's bad, i've been going through some personal stuff and yeah...sorry it took so long to update...anyway IDK when I'm gonna update next, or who i'm gonna do...are you guys up to date with the anime?  I really like the arc, and since it's not in the manga I can't stand that I have to wait a week for each new episode!  Oh well  anyway, I hop you guys are haveing a good new year, and are sticking to your resolutions!

{DISCONTINUED}    Fairy Tail 7 minutes in heaven (Character X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now