Treasured (HomuMado)

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again, again, again and again I live the same time over and over just for one person Madoka Kaname. I walked through the hall with Madoka "Homura thats an interesting name.. Not in a bad way!" Madoka said trying to start up conversation, somehow every word she says brings me higher than the moon but the wounds are too deep I watch Madoka die time and time again but for what.... I stopped in the hall "Madoka Kaname, do you treasure the life you currently liv-" I started being cut off by myself I looked into Madokas pinkish eyes remembering why I relive this nightmare for her, to see her smile to see her happy... I cleared my throat and with little courage said "Madoka Kaname, do you treasure the life you currently live? And do you consider your family and your friends precious?" I said with much worry,"Yes" Madoka said without any real consideration I opened my mouth to talk before being cut off "but more importantly Homura, I treasure you! I remember all the effort you put in to help me, to save me" she said calmly my eyes widened I once again opened my mouth to talk being stopped by Madoka putting her finger in front of my mouth in a shushing manner then she proceeded to lean in and kiss me softly making me jump out of my skin. Her warm lips made me feel like for once somebody cared, for once somebody knew what I did for her, finally I felt appreciated, treasured.

Sorry its so short especially coming back from the previous on that was so long but thank you for reading this!

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