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"I love you" she layed a soft kiss on the back of my neck.
"I love you too" I lied hoping to gain her trust more. My voice traveled out as sleep took over.


Billies pov

I woke up hearing little snores escape from coco's mouth. The sun peaked through the lace curtains, causing the same pattern to show on her face.
She looked so peaceful sleeping, but I wanted to get her up and go over some things.
"Coco" I whispered leaving small kissed on her face.
Her head jerked a bit as she looked startled.
"Billie" she murmured lightly with her eyes still closed.
I saw how exausted she was, deciding to let her sleep, besides I didn't trust her enough to leave.
I made my way downstairs to fix her something big since she hadn't eaten in awhile especially using her last energy last night.
"Soo how good was she" Danielle asked
"How did you-"
"Oh don't worry we heard everything"
Diego added cutting in.
I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge, peering in.
"Right, I think you guys woke up the whole house" Danielle replied popping a grape in her mouth.
"shut up" I snapped rolling my eyes again.
"Hey is there any fruit left?" I asked hoping to change the subject.
Diego pointed to the counter where the fruit sat, getting the hint to shut up about it.
I nodded and proceeded to put pineapple, mango, honeydew, strawberrys and cantaloupe inside.
"Yum whos that for" Danielle licked her lips trying to take a chunk of pineapple before I pulled the bowl out of reach.
"Fuck off" I snapped getting pissed.
"Damn ok" she laughed, putting her hands up in a playful defensive manner.
I headed upstairs to coco who was still asleep.
I closed the door behind quietly, but she still heard as she opened her eyes.
"Look what I got baby" I cooed.
Her face instantly lit up as she snatched the fruit from my hands.
"This all vegan?" She asked quickly already holding a peice of mango to her mouth.
I nodded, chuckling that she had to ask that for a pure bowl of fruit.
She shoved fruit in her mouth.
"Baby slow down your going to get a bellyache." I wrapped an arm around her.
She kept shoving fruit in, not acknowledging what I said.
"Baby" I said more aggressively, pulling the bowl from her.
The fruit was already gone as she leaned back and curled up into the comforter.
"Lets go over the rules" I said, patting her stomach.
"Mhm" escaped her lips as if she were about to fall asleep again.
"Look at me" I commanded.
She hesitated but then she opened her eyes and turned her gaze to me.
"1, no talking to anyone without my permission. 2, no leaving this room unless I go with. 3, don't talk back and do everything I say. 4, don't let anyone touch you and if they do, let me know right away. 5, no escaping."
Her expressions changed to pleading, "Will I ever see my family again"
Anger overcame me, I wanted to slap her right then and there but that would do no good.
I really got to work on that

I wanted her focus to be on me and hopefully she would accept this as her new home for the time to come. I want her to be happy here with me.. not her family.
"No. You're mine, I own you now. Got that??" I argued letting my hand fall on the dresser in anger, which caused her to flinch.

Everything I Wanted ↬ʙᴇ ʜᴏsᴛᴀɢᴇ sᴛᴏʀʏ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now