Chapter four The Followers

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Yepty skap yepty skap. I keep hearing this voice. It is really annoying. and it is going in the tune of the sorcerers apprentice off of disney Fantasia. Wait a second as I thought to myself. I turn around as slowly as possible nobody was there. I look up and I see a monkey. " hi there" the monkey can talk. I pass out. I wake up to a monkey in my face. The monkey asks " are you Dalton Kristen's friend?" " yes "I said very slowly and really suspiciously. But then I realize that we are outside of the tunnel. " Thank you. Who are you exactly ? " " oh I'm Kylie wells and I am a follower" " what's a follower" I asked. " when someone comes in front of the forest we follow them around and then the forest takes it from there " " do you know where Kristen is? " yea why " " because I want to find her " " yea why "
" so that I'm not a used of making her go missing " " ok you go strait until you see a road that is red then you follow it and then be careful there are some sink holes " " ok thank, I will be on my way now " " by ! " then I started to walk.

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