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Okay now chapter 1 is out! I really hope you will like to read this:)
It is short but the rest of the chapters will probably be longer...


At the Burrow it was dark, the inhabitants had gone to sleep some hours ago. But in one window you could see the light streaming out, and in the middle you could see the silhouette of a young man.

Tomorrow they would go to Diagon Alley, but Harry couldn't fall asleep. Instead he sat quiet, looking out through the windows. He had gotten used to the silence, but it was only at night he could enjoy it.

When he was with everyone else it felt weird to see their mouths move, but hearing no sound. Alone, with everyone else sleeping, it felt more natural.

Still, it wasn't the only or even major reason for him staying awake. During the night there were no escapes. He would return back to the battle, watching all those people get slaughtered again and again.

Screaming, he had waken the Weasleys up more then one night, actually it had been more like every night for weeks after the war. He hated it, hated that they had to take care of him.

The nightmares didn't end, but he found a solution. In one book he had found an old potion, that when laid around a place, no sound could pass over. Every evening he would place some of the potion so the circle around his room was complete, and in the mornings he easily took away just a little bit sound would be able to pass.

He did like the solution, it made sure the Weasleys didn't have to worry about him. They shouldn't have to take care of him, they had lost so much in the war themselves! But at the same time he hated it, hated waking up sweating after an extra bad dream, totally alone.

With a sigh he decided he should go to bed, he needed the rest. Slowly he closed off the light before laying down. As his head hit the pillow he fell asleep, tired from many sleepless nights.


It wasn't that dark outside, but as dark as it would get during the summer night. In a room a blond boy sat, reading a book. During the summer he had more then once got stuck in a book, forgetting to sleep.

It was easier to escape, falling into another reality, than to deal with this useless, pathetic excuse for a world.

The book ended, letting the hero and the heroines live happily ever after. Something glimmered in the grey eyes of the reader, but he blinked it away. It maybe was how it was for the heroes, but he couldn't be counted as one. There were no happily ever after for him either, only despair.

When he looked up, he could see that it had gotten late. Normally he wouldn't care, but tomorrow he had to go to Diagon Alley. During the war Draco had been in year seven, but now McGonagall had decided they all should retake the year. Not that he looked forward to it, he truly didn't.

The rules were unchangeable, he had to finish his education and therefore go back. Without a finished education he wouldn't be able to get a job, and wouldn't to leave his old life, this life, behind.

Until he turned eleven, and went to Hogwarts, the manor had been his only home. When he left for school a new world opened in front on him, but he had been to stupid to take the chance. Now it was to late, that mark on his arm would never go away, and neither would his past.

It was with those thought he slowly fell asleep, his dreams haunting him through the night.


Chapter 1 is finished!
I would have want to do it longer and the other chapters will probably be longer, because this is too short... But I didn't want to go longer than this in the storyline in chapter 1, later I won't cut it so short.
I really hope you likes this and continues reading when I am finished with chapter 2! As soon as it's finished I'll publish it, but it will maybe take some days...
Now don't forget to vote if you liked it and comment if you want:)
See you in the next chapter!!

Word count: 739 words

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