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Yey! Chapter 2 is out!
First: I don't now what is happening with my Wattpad but if things looks weird, that's why. I don't know if you see it like this: chapter 1, important, important, chapter 2, but I do and it won't listen when I try and fix it... Hates my phone. Hates my network.
Now, this chapter is dedicated to the best Voldy_Moldy as a thank you for helping me with BSL, spelling and grammar and of course encouraging me to write this! Thank youuu💙💙💙
Finally it's out! I hope it didn't take to long time according to you, I have written on it everyday but it hasn't been going so fast... Anyway it's out now!
A fast warning, it gets bad at the end, if I'll edit it sometime in the future things like that will probably get better.
Also, I decided to skip different pov and just uses ***** sometimes, feel free to name them!
For now, have a good reading time!


The light summer night let in some light to the room, giving it a soft look. But the boy laying in the bed didn't seem to notice. A pained scream escaped his lips, the potion laying on the floor shone as it stopped the sound.

Just mere seconds after the scream, the boy bolted up. Emerald eyes flickered around, his heart racing. Taking his time, he started to calm down. Fixing his eyes on a point on the wall, he sat quietly until his heartbeat was down to regular speed.

Casting a tempus spell, he could see that the time was no more than 4 am, and the night would continue for a long time. This night would go like all else, him reading for hours until Ron came to grab him.

Next to his bed a book laid which he picked up. Reading had been a common habit for him after the war. It was one of the few things that actually was an adventage of being deaf, since you wouldn't be bothered by other sounds.

Destroying the line of his potion, he allowed sound to pass again. Book in hand he sat down next to the window, letting the light from outside shine upon the papers.

Turning page after page, letting each line take him deeper into the story, time passed. Outside the sun rised, waking the world up. Raven locks lay down over his forehead, covering his scar.

Two times he had survived the curse, each time coming out with a new scar. One you could see but didn't affect him that much, another not visible on the outside but forever affecting his life.

Someone entered the room, seeing his friend sitting next to the window. In the beginning the boy had expected Harry to sleep when he came in, even after the nightmares had stopped. Still, every morning the raven haired boy would be awake, claiming he had just woken up. The red haired boy didn't know if he should believe it, but hadn't asked.

Walking forward, he got closer to Harry. Carefully, he touched the raven haired on his shoulder, causing the boy to turn around abruptly.

Ever since the war, Harry had been jumpy and easily scared. As he saw that it only was his friend standing there, he closed his eyes for a second, letting the fear go away. When he opened his eyes he had a new smile clustered on his lips, even if the eyes didn't synchronise the feeling.

"You scared me", Harry signed matter of fact, without looking upset about it. On the table next to him he placed the book he had been reading, before standing up. "Time for breakfast I guess?" His movements were clear, having practiced much.

"Yes, and then to go... shopping." Ron signed, having to think a little about the right word. Using a memory potion to learn it faster and better, he managed the language quite well but still had some problems with it.

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