Experimenting (Lukier)

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Kier's p.o.v

Trying to locate a wondering Beveridge is harder that I planned. So now I'm stuck  between people dancing to some crap generic beat, while dripping their sweat on other people and themselves. Eww. I'm normally alright in a nightclub but let's be honest I just broke up with a long term girlfriend who had been cheating on me. So I am allowed to be miserable. Spotting the goth panda, I walked over to him. Then I noticed the black and red haired guy he was talking to, bringing an instant smile to my face. "Hey Luke." I said as he gave me a hug. Thinking about it he gives amazing hugs. Wait what are you thinking about Kemp? "Alright Queer Camp?" He snickered while I rolled my eyes. He looks cute when he smiles and laughs. Kier stop your straight and he is your friend!

These thoughts were starting to freak me out slightly. "Kier you like you've seen a ghost." Laurence informs me. Thanks Beveridge you know how to charm a guy. "Nah, I'm fine. Just bored." I replied as a half truth. "Okay well we can leave soon. Also Luke is staying with us tonight." Yay I get to embarrass myself in front of someone I like. Wait what?!? I meant as a friend brain. Not a love interest, I am straitghter than a ruler. Well at the moment a bendy ruler.  Argh fuck it, I give up fighting with myself. "Where is the Lucas anyway?" I asked when I realised the absence of the other male. "Getting the Wooly D and Shane." Laurence sipped his beer after answering. I nodded while we aimlessly talked until the arrival of two other males. "Drew where is the other timid?" I asked the short bassist. "Well Shane is on the pull so he is staying longer." Drew was was slurring his words slightly, so I guess he is a drunk or missing timid number 2. "Okay shall we depart then?" Laurence questioned us.

We all quickly departed, walking in the frigid night air. "Kempy wait the fuck up!" Luke said, after tripping over a crack in the pavement. "Smooth."  I commened to Luke. "I feel like you have avoided me tonight." He said rather bluntly. Fuck. What do I say? "I haven't meant to. I guess I'm just in a bad mood." I shrugged. Luke stood up and looked me in the eye. "I think you are hiding something from me." He said in a no nonsense tone. I looked away from him. Laurence and Drew had walked off so it was just us in the rather empty street. "Kier answer me." Luke pressed, making me sigh. "I don't know what to say." I admitted, before breathing deeply. "I have been having thoughts that has made me question my sexuality."I was expecting Luke  to laugh but his face was inscrutable. "So you are confused?" He said quietly. I nodded before sighing again.

The next few moments crawled by painfully quiet. Stood on the pavement I could here the obnoxiously loud music of the clubs. "Can I confess something?" He said in a serious voice. Without waiting for my reply Luke blurted out. "I'm bi. And I like you as in more than a friend." Luke's face was nearly as red as his hair after admitting this. Well fuck me sideways, give me a sex change and rename me Kiera. I thought to myself. "Ok." I felt relieved but awkward. What do I do? So I acted on instict and leaned towards to Luke a placed a tentative kiss on his lips. I really have no idea if this was a good or a bad thing to do. His shiny snakebites cold against me. He responded in making the kiss slightly deeper. Visably relaxing after confessing to me. I was scared as this felt so natural to me. And that I was enjoying  kissing one of my best friends.

Breaking contact with Luke we stood in silence. Just looking at each others eyes, as if they held the answer to the questions we hadn't asked yet. "So what do we do now?" I whispered, confused and with mixed emotions. "I don't know." Luke ran his tongue over his silver snakebites while thinking. Taking his hand in mine we started to walk back to the flat. "Let's just talk about it tomorrow."

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