Snap (Part 4.)

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Colby's POV

"Alright Andressa Imma head out." I say grabbing my keys and flicking my linyard so it wraps around my hand.

"Colbyyy" she whined her thick Brazilian accent coming through.


"Can I come with you?" She pouts at me, and grabs my hand. She plays with my two fingers. "Pleasee."

"Look I'm sorry, but maybe another time it's really important I do this alone." I say, only making Andressa unhappy as she crosses her arm and pouts even further. I roughly plump a quick kiss on her forehead.

"I'll be back soon." I quickly shut the door behind me breathing a sigh of relief, I walk to my favourite little red car.

I don't care what anyone says this red car will always be my real baby.

I drove to the unfamiliar place, no one I knew lived out this way of LA so I rarely visited either but today was the exception I guess.

I parked my car in the parking lot and made my way inside the shop.

I scowered the aisles looking for a little short blonde girl, i found her with her back turned to me in the electronics aisle packing a shelf.

"Hey Brie," I said softly as I touched her on her shoulder. When the women turned around, it wasn't Brie.

"Oh fuck- uh sorry." I stumbled out awkwardly.

"Language." The middle aged women who had to be somewhere in her 40s warned.

"Yes it was my bad, I'm sorry" I gave her a small smile and went on my way. Looking for the actual Brie this time.

Brie, Brie, Brie

I neared the kitchen appliances aisle, as I turned the corner I saw Brie pushing a massive box to the back on the bottom shelf. As she pushed the box to the back of the shelf her upper half disappeared into the shelf as well.

I walked on over to her and waited until she reappeared our from the shelf.

"Hey Brie," I began as soon as I saw her head.

She gasped slightly, she got a fright. I couldn't help but smirk it was adorable. She quickly plastered the same copycat smile on her face, the same copycat fake smile.

"Oh- uh hi Colby I didn't think I'd be seeing you here again." She said it politely but of course nervously. It's almost like I'm meeting her for the first time all over again, she was a right nervous wreck back in those days.

"Oh no, I just sorta came here to see you."

She frowns looking away her green eyes filled with confusion, she looks back up at me.


"Well," I begin. "I really just uh wanted to apologise I guess for being so weird the other day."

She furrowed her eyebrows, confusion laced across her face.

"I don't mean to be rude." She said nervously after a long pause. "But I'm not sure what you are apologising about."

She tucked a loose strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Ah," I begin. "For being so weird about your- well scars."

My voice hitches at the word "scars" I don't know why it hurt me so much. It's not like I went through what she did.

"Oh no it's okay." Brie smiles vacantly "I should've covered them up anyway it could cause bad memories for people, or you know trigger off emotions."

I notice she's wearing a pale pink long sleeve underneath her work uniform. I gulped knowing that it was my fault despite what she may say.

"Brie," My voice cracked I don't know why this topic was so hard to talk about. "You shouldn't cover them up, they are something to be proud of, not ashamed."

I saw a glint in her emerald green eyes, I couldn't place what it was but it was emotion. Real emotion.

"After all you did recover."

Her eyes quickly lost that small glint after that sentence.

You are such an idiot Colby

"Thanks Colbs- uh I mean Colby." Brie stutters before quickly plastering a smile across her face.

I gave a small smile. Hearing Brie say that nickname made me miss her so much. It brought back the good times I had with her.

"So do you wanna uh- like get coffee sometime soon?" I ask awkwardly.

Brie's eyebrows knit into a frown as she thinks about it. I can tell she thinks it's a bad idea, she always rests her fingers on her chin when she thinks something's a bad idea.

"Um sure." She says with a smile that actually shows her pearly white teeth.

I guess she changed her habits.

"Cool ah, how am I going to get hold of you though?" I ask.

Brie blocked me on snap, Instagram, Twitter even Facebook like who uses Facebook.

I mean I understand why she blocked me on everything but it still stung.

"I'll get a hold of you." She says blankly.

Does that mean she'll actually get a hold of me? I couldn't tell.

"Okayyy cool." I rub the back of my neck awkwardly. "So I'll catch you later?"

I hold out my hand to dap Brie up. But instead she grabs it to pull herself off of the floor. I can't help but  lightly chuckle at her of course she wouldn't know how to dap someone up.

She simply frowns and dusts herself off.

"Yeah Colbs, I'll catch you later." She says not realising that she called me Colbs again.

I smile and walk out of Walmart. I stay smiling the whole car ride home.

Although that wasn't the real Brie, my Brie there was still parts of her there.

I still had my smile on when I walked into the trap house.

Until I saw Andressa.

She was wriggling round in one of Coreys friends lap. She had her arms thrown around his neck, and he had his hands all over her hips and butt.

I rolled my eyes.

She was giggling away and was so pre-occupied by him she didn't even notice me walk in.

"Oh for fuck sakes." I muttered, not having the energy to deal with Andressa being like this yet again.

Andressa flicked her head round and saw me. Her jaw instantly dropped. She got off his lap.

"Colbyyy." She began to whine.

"Nah I can't be fucked right now An!" I yell as I storm up the stairs I slam the door to my bedroom and collapse onto my bed.

I can't wait to get out of this house and into my own apartment with Sam. Then shit like this won't happen.

Just as I begin to get lost in my thoughts my phone vibrates I grab it from out of my pocket.

I got a snap notification:

Brie 🥀 added you!

I'm so sorry I'm bad at updating I'll try get the next one out as soon as I can xox

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