Chapter One

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Jade's POV

"Happy 13th birthday Jade!" mom greeted me with an enormous hug.

Yes, it's me and Cris' birthday today. Cris' and I have same birthdate, birthmonth and year. We're like twins.

"Thank you mom." I kissed mom.

I stood up and took my phone from my side table. I was supposedly greeted 'Good morning bestfriend:)' every single time I woke up by Cris. Especially it's our birthday today. But it was new, I haven't received any texts from him. My mind began to panic and I called him right away. But it says 'The person you have dialed is cannot be reached, please try again later.' I felt disappointed. Maybe I'll call him later to check what's going on.

I leaved a message for him.

:Happy birthday Cris!!! I love you so much!!! 😘🎂

From: Jade Smith


It was afternoon already and I decided to call Cris to check him if he's fine.

My phone rang many times but no response. I was wondering what's going on with him.

The same scenario happened. I haven't received calls or texts from him the whole day. I was very worried and disappointed.

It was six thirty when I arrived at school. Cris haven't arrived yet. I'm not used to it. Cris often arrive early. Maybe he's absent. I was sad. I felt uncomfortable and my heart skipped a beat. I don't know what's going on with me.

I got much nervous when the school bully, Amanda approached me. I honestly got nervous every time she approached me. But if Cris was beside me, I felt safe. "Hey little brat, haven't you seen Cris?"

"Yeah, maybe he's absent or late." I said.

"HA-HA! Lame excuses, Absent? For your information, he's not absent nor late. He's soul was on heaven right now. Didn't you missed him?"

I really don't know what's going on with this girl. What she's talking about? I don't understand.

"You didn't knew? Your best friend Cris, died. Ohh girl just accept it." emphasizing the word Cris.

I froze.

"Pl-please Amanda, I'm not in the mood to hear that corny joke of yours." I spun around and I saw Kate, my classmate stood right in front of me.

"Jade, Amanda was telling you the truth." my mind began to process that Amanda wasn't joking.

"Wh-what?" my jaw dropped.

"Yeah Jade, you just need to accept the truth." Kate tapped my shoulder.

My eyes shifted from Kate to Amanda. I went outside the classroom and decided to go to the comfort room. I ran as fast as I could and finally I arrived. I sat down on the floor. I was crying wholeheartedly. I was crying very loud. I really can't believe this is happening. My bestfriend Cris died?! Ohh God why did you take him so early? I can't live with out him

Cris was my bestfriend since I was 6 years old and he was also 6 at that time. Our friendship started at the hospital. I got my bone fractured due to car accident. I went to the restroom crying because of the pain, I couldn't handle the pain. I sat down on the toilet bowl at wept. Until I heard a voice.

"Hey little girl? Are you alright?" a boy's voice behind the door.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed.

The door opened and I saw a very cute boy standing wearing all white. I thought he was an angel because he shone.

He smiled at me but I just gazed at his eyes.

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