Third person P.O.V:
Lily Evans looked down at her newborn daughter that she never wanted. She couldn't get rid of her or Dumbledore would be disappointed. The little girl already had tuft of Strawberry Blonde hair and bright Emerald Green eyes much like Lily's eyes. Lily felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see a healer.
"Miss.Evans I'm here to inform you that your daughter isn't a witch, but we found something else in her blood. Be careful with this one, she is powerful. On a happier note have you decided a name for her yet?", the healer asked. Lily faked a smile towards the nurse. The nurse knew Lily didn't want her daughter, but she was told by Hermes the child's father to leave it be because all would happen in time.
"I've decided on Angie Asteria Evans.", Lily said. The nurse smiled, Angie Asteria meant Messenger Star. The nurse wrote it down and left. Unknown to them the three fates were in the room staring at Angie.
"Let her remember all that she has witnessed, every emotion, every thought, and every action.", the fates chanted in unison. They knew what little Angie had in store for her she needed this curse that the fates saw as a blessing.
Hermes sat up on Olympus watching his children all seemed fine except for two. His son Luke was with a slightly off mother, and his daughter Angie Asteria Evans with a mother and step father who only barely took care of her and a spoiled little brother. It was a day before Halloween and Hermes knew it would be another week before he could check up on his kids again.
The next day on Halloween Lily left her daughter in her own room with enough food and water to last a week so she wouldn't have to look after her. Later on the day Angie heard the door slam open, she peaked out of the room and saw her step father die. Her mom rushed upstairs with her Harry Angie's little half brother. A creepy man followed Angie's mom and brother up the stairs. She peaked her head around the corner and saw her mom comforting Harry. The creepy guy killed Lily and was going towards Harry when all of a sudden he just disappeared.
Angie saw her brother crying and left to her room because she wasn't aloud to affect him with her freakyness. It happened so fast for Angie a big man came and took Harry then Sirius Black came into the house. He found Angie and looked at her in disgust but gave her more food and water than left, after all she was sweet Lily's daughter.
A week passed and as Hermes looked at his daughter Angie he realized she was by herself in a nearly blown up house. He was worried, maybe if he just asked his father Zeus just this once he could directly help her. Hermes looked to his father.
"Dad I would like to ask if I can pick up my daughter and take her to camp.", Hermes asked his father hesitantly. Zeus's eyes sparked with anger and compassion.
"Hermes you know the rules, now what's so important you have to take her to
camp?",Zeus asked his son Hermes.
"Her mother and stepfather were murdered and she witnessed it. Nobody has come to take her somewhere else and the house is nearly falling apart.", Hermes seethed.
"I'm sure she can take care of herself.", Zeus said.
"She's three years old!", Hermes yelled. Zeus's eyes widened in shock.
"Bring her to camp then. But, only this once will I let you directly interfere in her life.", Zeus bellowed. Hermes flashed out to where the house was. He entered his daughter's room. Angie looked at the man before her in utter confusion. He slowly walked over to her. She knew him he visited her sometimes when he thought she was sleeping. Angie giggled at him.
"Now little Star it will be alright. I'll take you to your true family. Now close your eyes and we will be there. Don't open your eyes until I say so. OK?", Hermes said. Angie nodded and closed her eyes. Hermes packed all of Angie's clothes and toys then grabbed hold of her hand and flashed to the dining pavilion where the inhabitants of Camp Half Blood were eating dinner. They bowed when they saw Hermes but were confused as to who the little girl he was with was. They raised and Hermes went over to his table.
"Zach, this is Angie Asteria Evans she's my daughter. She's three years old and her birthday is on April Fool's day. Take care of her. Oh Angie you can open your eyes now.", Hermes said.
Angie opened her eyes and was astonished by the sight. Hermes smiled at her and then seemed to disappear with the wind. The other Hermes kids were all boys and they grew protective of their little sister Angie or as they called her Star. Angie loved her brothers at camp and grew resentful towards her mom's son Harry. After all he was perfect and she was just a mistake in her mother's eyes. Angie wanted nothing to do with her mother's son or world. She was perfectly happy with being loved by her cabin mates.

The Good Girl Prankster
Fanfiction"My mom Lily Evans nee Potter had a thing for pranksters. I was a mistake, for some reason the three fates cursed me the day I was born to remember everything. When my mom got married and had her son I wasn't aloud near him. It wasn't my fault I was...