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Stage Name: Dahyun

Birth Name: Kim Da Hyun (김다현)

Nationality: Korean

Birthday: May 28, 1998

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Official height: 165 cm (55″) / Approx. Real Height: 160 cm (53″)*

Weight: 48 kg (106 lbs)

Blood Type: O

Some Facts About Dubu (aka my bias)!!

Dahyun has the ability to find the cameras no matter where they are, so its really hard to film her without Dahyun to notice it. XD

She appeared in GOT7s Stop Stop It MV and Wooyoungs Rose (Japanese) MV.

She was one of the most popular contestants during Sixteen.

She loves chocolate, especially choco-pie.

She is the most flexible member.

She has very pale skin, hence the nickname Dubu.

She can touch her nose with her tongue. She can also touch her elbow with her tongue.

She plays piano very well and did various covers of songs.

She has one older brother.

Her favourite colours are red, pink and white.

She also loves swimming.

She does not like horror movies and being alone in the dark. She is scared of it.

She takes the longest in the shower. She usually finishes up to 1 or 2 hours.

According to Jeongyeon on VLive, Tzuyu, Dahyun and Mina debuted without doing the dance routine choreography test where every trainee needs to pass.

During the 2018 Idol Star Athletic Championships, Dahyun got a hug from Dreamcatcher's Gahyeon and Momolands's Taeha


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