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X proceeded to finish up the room for the last group. He was running late. So much for staying up till 3am.

"There..! I finally finished." X sighed. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Just in time too!" X happily continued as he walked towards the door. A slight creaking sound filled the hallway.

"Welcome to the clubroom, iance!" X cheered. "Come inside!" The room had light pink walls and a white carpet with a hot pink rug on the floor. At the corner of the room were been bag chairs and one resting chair on the side. A table with art supplies and an outlet sat on the other. A white projector screen sat in the front of the room. The back room stored a closet full of art supplies, a bathroom, and 4 bunk beds. The clubroom was huge! Well, for a clubroom in a 40 foot-tall building, anyways.

Everyone proceeded to walk inside. They seemed somewhat enthusiastic, except for maybe a few.

"Why are all the walls pink?!" Shouted one. "I hate pink!" Shouted another. A bunch of jumbled reactions echoed around the room.

"Hey, pink's a nice color. It's beautiful!"

"Hmm, I think the chairs, like, stand out though."

"This is ugly."

"Oh, well, oi think its noice.."

"Could use more pink, really."

"I can't sit in the chairs.."

"Okay everyone, settle down." X proceeded. He continued to explain the rules and procedures in the clubroom. Anyone who disobeyed the rules would be sent to EXIT for 24 hours, and EXIT wasn't exactly the best location. "The first project will start tomorrow. Bunk beds are in the back room. Have fun! Feel free to look around the campus if you'd like." The variable said cheerfully before closing the door.

"This is, like, where we're gonna stay?" Match asked. Pencil shrugged. "Iunno, guess we'll have to figure that out later. X did say we can explore this place so.." Pencil and Match agreed to go look around. "Hey Bubble, wanna come with us?" Bubble looks away and shakes her head. "Oi'll stay here." Match gave Bubble a thumbs up, and left with Pencil. Bubble then grabbed a sheet of paper and some colored pencils and began to draw. "I'm so stoked to be here, I heard that this was fun!" Ruby was full of tons of energy, probably because of all the excitement she's been bottling up about the campus. Or maybe it was because of the sugary pancakes she had for breakfast. She bounced up and down excitedly, while Flower rolled her eyes and smiled. "Ha, yeah." She grabs a can of pollen from her and sprays it on her petals and face, giving them a subtle, yet sparkly shine to them. Ruby just looked in awe while the others coughed up the spray, staring at Flower annoyed. "Hey, can I borrow some?" Ruby curiously asked. "Wh- no. Listen Ruby, I need this to look pretty, and I need it to stay healthy. I don't want it all wasted..! You know this already.." Ruby looks down sadly, but quickly perks back up. "Hey, we should explore the back room!!" Ruby exclaimed. "Wait, Ru-" Before Flower could continue, Ruby grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the back room, accidentally dropping the can of pollen of the floor.

Lightning picked up the can and observed it a bit before sniffing it. That was a bad idea, he coughed up all the pollen and sneezed aggressively, sparking a bit. "Ah, w-what even is that stuff?" "I dunno, but don't ever do that again, that was dumb." Snowball insulted. "Haha, oops.." "Whatever it is, I hate it!" Fanny yelled. She wasn't supposed to yell, but she didn't care. Rules suck. Snowball kicked the can to the door, making a loud bumping noise. Bubble jumped a bit from it. Fanny rolls her eyes and sits in another bean bag chair, right next to Bubble. "I already want to leave." She mumbled. "Hoi, it's noit that bad! Yoi just need to get yoised to it." The one next to her smiled nervously, hoping to cheer up the rage filled fan at least a bit. Fanny kept her normal angry expression though. "Yeah, whatever." Snowball looked at Lightning, then the door. "You wanna go out?" Lightning asked. He nodded. "Aight, see y'all later!" Lightning waved to Bubble and Fanny, Bubble waving back.

Word count: 737

BFB CAMP AU// VOL 1: Project ianceWhere stories live. Discover now