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After the dance had finished, Jungkook held my hand pulled us away from the crowds and dancing to a pair of large glass doors that stood on the side of the ballroom, letting cool air into the stuffy room. He pulled me towards them and outside.

"Where are we going? I asked him. We were now just walking at a leisurely pace next to each other, hands occasionally brushing together.

"Somewhere." He smugly replied.

"Since when were you so mysterious?"

"I've always been mysterious." He acted offended at my comment but couldn't hold up the act and started chuckling at his own joke. "I've always been mysterious; dark and allusive."

"I don't know about dark or mysterious, you're pretty pale." He brushed my shoulder with his.

"That's because of the winter. In the summer, I'll be a tanned god." Just imagine that.

"Well, I'll hold you to that." I chuckled next to him, blushing slightly at the idea of a tanned Jungkook.

Realising my surroundings, I noticed we had arrived at the willow in the middle of the gardens. Jungkook stepped in front of me and pulled back some of the drooping branches.

"Ladies first." He chuckled to which I playfully slapped his chest before walking in.

Inside the cavern of leaves and branches sat a bench that hadn't been there before. It was plain and wooden but look so aesthetic in this setting. To the side of it were a few electrical camping lanterns which Jungkook walked up to and turned on. We both sat, knees touching, on the bench. Neither of us knew what to say but I knew what I had to say.

"Jungkook, I need to tell you something." I spoke up, looking into his deep eyes.

"Speak your mind, Tae-Tae."

"I'm the Prince of Daegu."

There was a silence. I was scared.

"Can I be honest?" He replied after a while. I nodded.

"I already knew." Wait, what?

"H-h-how?" I was scared he'd be mad.

"Well, on that day when we met at Jins restaurant I heard you talking to them all and heard you say you were the prince. That's how and why I dropped the cup, I was shocked I'd spoken and flirted with the Prince. Not to mention the plethora of paintings around the castle of you and your family."

I was shocked and surprised and slightly embarrassed. I looked down at my lap.

"Hey, hey." Jungkook suddenly spoke, placing his thumb and forefinger on my chin and lifting my head to make eye contact with me. "I understand why you didn't tell me. I'm not mad." He spoke softly, smiling warmly.

In that moment, I felt happy and warm and loved. I could see out of the corner of my eye small snowflakes falling to the ground but in that moment, didn't care. Looking at the boy in front of me, his beautiful smile and face and body, his amazing personality, everything, I knew that in the short amount of time I'd known him that I had fallen head over hills with the boy.

Thinking about how much I loved him I felt the urge to kiss him.

And I did.

~535 words~

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