<<Chat 3>>

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/R has entered the chatroom./ 6:48


R: <<You’re not on yet?


      <<I can type, uninterrupted.>>

                Sent at 6:48.

R: <<I met one of our visitors while on patrol tonight.

      <<He didn’t see my face, but knew I wasn’t from around here.>>

                Sent at 6:52.

R: <<I don’t think he knows anything about me yet, really.

      <<He’s one that can’t stand morning or day, you know.

      <<The last time I’d heard about him, he hadn’t been like that.

      <<Now he’s turned.

      <<He wasn’t one to do that, so I don’t know what made him turn.>>

                Sent at 6:56.

R: <<Be on edge for the next week or so.

      <<I barely dodged his attack this time.

      <<He’s gotten better.

      <<I’ll wait for you to get on now.

      <<I don’t think you’d like it too much if I don’t wait.>>

                Sent at 7:01.


/F has entered the chatroom./ 7:32.


F: <<You normally don’t care if I don’t like it or not.>>

R: <<I felt like being nice today.>>

F: <<Bullshit and we both know it.

      <<You’re that shaken up.>>

R: <<You’re right.

      <<The last time I was caught that off-guard was


                Sent at 7:35.

F: <<A long time ago?>>

R: <<Yeah.>>

F: <<Which means he’s either gotten better or you’ve gotten worse.>>

R: <<Exactly.>>

F: <<So now do you want me to take a look at Ex?>>

R: <<NO. It’s the wielder, not the weapon, that matters.>>

                Sent at 7:39.

R: <<Well, the weapon does matter some.>>

F: <<Some, you say.>>

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