chapter 2

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/third pov\

Rai sat there and ate the cookies while staring off I to space and frakie standing by him in a peaceful silence and just closing his eyes a bit he wasent tired he just had a bit of a headache from the kids at the school always being sent to the office for ridiculous reasons and having to deal with them is annoying but frankie didnt really mind knowing it was for his master so he was happy and maybe his master will make friends there. "Are you enjoying the cookies?" Frankie asked as he looked to his master raizel nodded while finishing off the last cookie and pushing the plate to the side. Frankie nodded and was about to wall down to his lab "in going to head to my lab call if you need anything(as in either walk down there or in their mindset)" raizel nodded and rested his head back and closed his eyes frankie took one last look at his master and blushed a bit hurrying down to his lab so his master wouldt notice the blush that was spreading on his face from looking at him.

Frankie had known he had these feelings for his master just never came to  acknowledge them fearing his master may hate him if he ever told him or showed any sign of him liking him so frankie shoved the feelings away better yet he tried getting ride of them all together but they were still there so he just ignored them for the time being.

Seeing his mater is back now though and knowing he was going to have to help him do a bit of stuff made Frankie's cheeks burn with a blush all ready thinking dirty of his master but frankie quickly got ride of those thoughts and bussyed himself with work to do around the lab like cleaning up some of the stuff that wasent organized.

*time skip same pov*

Frankie had finished cleaning the lab he made sure to take his time though not wanting to rush but also wanting to get his thoughts away but wants to deal with them so frankie chose to ignore them for the time being until he thinks it's a better time to talk to his master about these thoughts or maybe even confessing to him hell not in a thousand years would frankie do that.

/Frankie's pov|

I had gotten done cleaning the lab letting myself relax but not to much and thinking about how I could tell master about these feelings but again I dont believe I would tell him I fear he wouldt approve or he would hate me and just kill me on the spot so I'm keeping thses feelings a secret for a while or now at least until later.....

Later on I went back up to the main floor to check up on master seeing him in the same state I left a couple hours ago I went over and chuckled quietly on how cute he is and took the plate and tea cup taking it over to the sink to wash off and put away

After cleaning the kitchen and putting stuff away master and "awoken" from his "sleep" and looked around I skiles at him "master would you like me to take you to your room?" I asked and walked a bit over to him he nodded his head a bit and got up off the couch me smiling to him lead the way to his room opening the door for him and letting him walk into the room and then walking in after him and smiling wishing I could just hug him from behind but resisting and just standing there letting him adjust to the room " is there anything you would like me to do master?" He shakes his head no and looks out the window and sits in the chair by the window I had put there knowing he liked looking out he window at the mansion.

"Okay, master I'm going to head to 'bed' for the night goodnight madter" frankie said bowing and heading out the door leaving it cracked but not a lot just in case raizel couldn't open it but needed to leave for some reason.

Not a lot but I tired it's like 4am I'm not really tired but ya know want sleep but it fucks you anyway I'll work on it more on night I'll see if I will upset next week and maybe another of my story's anyway I hope you guys have a awesome Christmas or happy holidays

Bye love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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