Chapter 2

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Ok so I got mad before so scratch that and listen up: My name is Holland. I know I know, extra peppy sunshine rainbow kitty happy name that does NOT match my personality. Eh, it's all good I got used to it. "Honey! Breakfast! You better start the day of right or you're gonna be moody the rest of the day! You know how the counselor calls me at work if you do that!" Oh great. My mom. The cheeriest person alive. I don't hate my mom. At all. I appreciate her, but I would never tell her that.
"You feel alright this morning?"
"tummy ache?"
"is it that time of the month?"
"haha, that last one was a joke, ha! ha! ha!"
"Mom, you really need a social life."
"Honey, you know I'm devoted to my work."
"I knoww, it's just-"
"it's just nothing! Eat your cinnamon toast and be AT PEACE" she said exaggerating lightly
Mom is a botanist-- a plant observer. Ironically, I'm flunking science and mom wants to help. Well she'd want to help if I told her I'm flunking science.
"Gosh ok ok!" I surrender putting my hands up.
"The bus is here have a great day."
"I'm serious"
"Well I'm not" I slam the door before she can say anything else.
I hate the bus. People are so idiotic. They all have their flaws. Jock. Nerd. Just plain stupid. Band geek aka best friend. I sit next to her and she says, "Wow isn't this great. The loser sits next to me."
"Shut up" I half joke.
"Gossip of the week, stat Joshaphina!" I laugh.
"Welllll there's a new kid."
"Let me guess snobby rich kid"
"Nope! Boy who I'm guessing is a total jerk."
"Ugh my life is a disappointment." I half joke.
"I know right? You only want a totally hot goth boyfriend and the universe gives you everything BUT that one thing!"

{idk if i should keep writing so it might be a while}

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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