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Today was one of those bummy typa days because it was raining hard as fuck outside, so I was catching up on all my wattpad books that app was really fye

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Today was one of those bummy typa days because it was raining hard as fuck outside, so I was catching up on all my wattpad books that app was really fye.

"Baee what you doing" Nasir said rubbing my thigh and I side eyed him.

"I'm reading and eating ice cream"

He smacked his lips and laid on top of me and started kissing my neck.

"Moveee," I said pushing his chest but he just grabbed both of my arms and started kissing me.

"I want some sex" he smirked

"Nasir what you doing to that girl!" His auntie Whitney came walking by with her basket in her hands she stopped in her tracks once she saw us.

"Man you always being a cock blocker" he mumbled but she still heard him.

"Boy don't play with me , this is my house no baby making up in here" she looked in between both of us.

"Yes ma'am" I said laughing

"Mhm and tell your mama I said hey" she said and then walked off.

He took my ice cream and started eating some

"Nasir I will kill you! Stop" i yelled at him snatching the tub of ice cream.

"You know you Ain eatin that all by yourself" he frowned up his face.

"And is"

He stood up stretching looking down at me like he had pressure . I put my my feet up all in his face

"Watch out" he slapped my foot hard and I scrunched up my face "you did not have to hit me that hard Nasir"

"But when I smack -"

"Son you ain't smacking shit and watch yo damn mouth" he said poking me in my forehead.

I started mocking him and he looked at me with a irritated impression.

"Ok let me stop but what color we gon wear for prom" I asked sitting my tub of my ice cream down.


"Uh no everybody finna pop out in blue"

"Ok and stop being complicated" He said putting on his durag and I mugged him.

6:00 𝘱𝘮 𝘕𝘺

"Samia mama said bring yo ass downstairs" my little brother Juno said bursting through my door making me snap my head in his direction

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"Samia mama said bring yo ass downstairs" my little brother Juno said bursting through my door making me snap my head in his direction.

"Boy don't be bursting in my room and I'm telling ma you up here cursing" I told him getting up outta bed.

"Snitches get stitches"

I shrugged mushing his head walking pass him "I miss being the only child I swear" I mumbled.

"Butt face" he said running pass me

It took everything in me not to jack his little short ass up and strangle him.

Soon as I reached downstairs kado was standing there typing on his phone and I sighed.

"Why are you even here" I mugged him hard.

"Son what you mad for dang ?" He said licking over his lips walking towards me but I backed up. "You on yo period or sumn"

"That's not yo business now can you please leave and go entertain shawty" I simply said

He started laughing like shit was funny which made me mad I wanted to smack the hell out of him.

"She just a friend damn why you being insecure" he grabbed my arm but I snatched away.

"Man yazmen run her damn mouth to much" he mumbled.

"Please get out now I have a headache" I said walking back to my room making sure I had slammed my door.

"Dumb ass nigga"

It was the next day and school was boring as a bitch the whole crew was standing in front of the school even kado skinny ass.

"Hey Bestfriend" yazmen said running over to me squeezing the hell outta me.

"Girl..." I laughed "but hey bitch and hey bro " I told Nasir . He just nodded his head scrolling on his phone . I heard kado smack his teeth but I ignored him.

I can't wait to get a new nigga and flex on him because I'm bout tired of his basic ass.

"You still in yo feelings" he said looking over at me .

"Boy fuck outta here don't talk to me ion fuck with you nomore"

"Oh damn bro" Nasir laughed pushing him a little while he just waved him off shrugging


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