Logan's Eevee

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Blood was walking around the Slumbering Weald, completely lost in her search for Zacian, Zamazenta and Eternatus, three legendary pokèmon, when loud cries of pain broke her out of her; what most people say, a stupid search. Blood stopped in her tracks to see if she could hear the pleads for help again, and by some miracle, like as if they heard her thoughts, they cried out again. Blood started to follow the pleads for two minutes, she had just pasted a berry bush, when she saw the most horrific sight to ever happen, Team Death was beating a small little Eevee, that looked to be about a day out of hatching. She couldn't understand how they could do this, she what to help but know she was not strong enough beat them, but she also couldn't leave the little guy. Then Blood remember what Logan said to her before she went back to seach.

"If you ever see a pokèmon being abused by anyone, call me and I will come and help."

He said that two weeks ago. 'I hope he still does, here goes to hoping he does.' She thought, as she gets out her rotom phone and calls Logan Elo.

Dark Gym:

It was 11:30 night when Logan and his pokèmon; an Absol, Turtwig, Pidgey, his shiny black Growlithe and Snorunt, all woke from their light nap by there rotom phone ringing. Logan got of the gym floor, put his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone, the screen showed a picture of Blood sleeping with her Vulpex and other wild pokèmon in the Wild Safari at the Lab, because lets face it you can't get a picture of her any other time. 'What could Blood be ringing for?' He thought. He answered the call.

"What do need Blood?" He asked.
"I need you to come to the Slumbering Weald. Now!" Blood quitly said.
"I'll be right there. Don't move." He said.

Now normally Logan would of asked why, but he was more concerned about the fact that when Blood called it sounded like she was, or had, been crying. Logan had not seen, or heard, her cry since his father went missing five years ago, after that she never cried. So to put it mildly he was very concerned. He put all his pokèmon in their pokèballs and called the flying taxi to take him to Blood Nile.

Slumbering Weald:

When he got to her, after being dropped of at the entrance, she did the one thing that he never expected, she hugged him, when he tried to get to let go, she just held on tighter, saying she was sorry over and over about how weak she was, he tried to calm her down but nothing seemed to be working, in the end the dark type gym leader asked the healer what she was so sorry about. Blood told him of the little Eevee that is beening abused, how it is Team Death and that he was only a hatchling. Logan finally got her to let go, he told her to wait there. She did, the next thing she knows her and Logan where running to the Lab as fast as they could, with Logan holding the little guy. When they got to the Lab, Blood went start to work on the little Eevee, healing to the best of her abilities, when all was done and the little guy was asleep in her arms, she went to Wild Life section, where Logan was, as soon as he saw Blood come through with the tiny Eevee he knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Blood?" He asked quitly so he didn't wake the Eevee that was now in his arms.
"I'm afraid that he can never use his front left leg again. I sorry, I so sorry, I tried but I can't do anything for him." With that said she berst into tears again.

All the pokèmon in the Wild Life could her their mummy cring and didn't like it so they went to her and cuddled her, she hugged them back feeling grateful for them, even Logan's pokèmon where trying to help her feel better. Logan came and gave her a one armed hug and said.

"You tried, that's all we could ask for and besides I'm going going to help the little guy."
"By giving him a family and a name."
"What name?"
"Leafy is a nice name for him."

With that Logan got his first Eevee, will he doesn't like how they found Leafy, was so glad he has him, and that Blood rang him at 11:30 at night. He made promise's then to himself, while one of his only friends Blood, was asleep on his shoulder, with all their pokèmon and even wild one's around them, to stop Team Death from hurting any more pokèmon and to always have Blood smiling. He didn't like her crying, it didn't suit her, so he will keep his one of his only human friends happy all the time, 'She will never cry again, no friend of mine will ever cry, will I'm here' Logan thought, and with that Logan finally went to sleep, even if it was 6 in the morning.


If there is anything spelt wrong plez tell me.
Hope you liked.

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