Marshal's New Starter Pokèmon

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Marshal Elo was your ordinary teen, lazy, but Marshal loved pokèmon and wanted to go on a journey with his team, family and friend, (Blood is his only human friend), so at 6:30 on 25th of December, the new trainer-to-be ran from his house in Postwick to the Pokèmon Research Lab in Wedgehust, when he remembered that to day was Christmas and that he didn't have anything for Blood. So he quickly went to the shops down the road from the Lab. Marsh: a nickname Blood gave him, he bought her the most logical thing for her, a silver raindear plushie. With that done he wrapped them up in silver wrapping papper and then headed to the Lab. When he got to the Lab, and Blood where waiting for him outside the frount door, when they saw him they stopped talking and waved him over, Marshal smiled and ran over.

"Hi Blood." He said.
"You are here for your starter pokèmon, aren't you Marsh." Blood said.
"Yes, but I also come bearing gifts."
"Ohhhhhhh, let me see" she says
"You have to wait"
"Aaawwww, okay, SO what starter do you want?"

Marsh was thinking on what starter to go with, in the end he went with Totodile, the water type. After he caught Totodile, he named him Yoghurt because Marsh spilled nearly all of his peach yoghurt, all over his Totodile, and he started to lick it all of, so hens the name. After Marshal had returned Yoghurt he turned to Blood, a bearly notice-able blush on bis checks he asked Blood if she would come with him on his journey. Blood thought it over in her head for a second, then nodded her head, while saying yes, then ran to the wild life area and returned five of her pokèmon; Vulpex (Scare Fire), Swabble (Nile), Eevee (Kenji), Eevee (Sparkie (shiny) and Sharman (Forest), but she kept her Ponyta, Comet out. Marsh didn't know why Comet hated him but he did, in fact Comet hated everyone but Blood, weird Marsh thought. With all pokèmon in their pokèballs, with Comet and Iggy, Marshal's Igglybuff, they set out on their journey to the first gym, the Dark type gym.


I hope you like. Try to update more often. Sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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