1 | The Encounter

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I walked home, staring at my feet, wondering how life is so boring. After the death of my parents, nothing seems to be fun or even a bit entertaining.

I pushed my fake prescribed glasses up my nose bridge and continued walking. A slow chill ran through my spine as if I was being watched. I turned around to find nothing. I shrugged, continuing to mind my own business.

My parents died when I was ten. Life hasn't been the same.

Aunt Cassy took me in and changed me into a whole different person. She had her own "style". She bragged about how her fashion sense will make me even more beautiful and almost as pretty as her.

I always argued that she was jealous of my beauty, but she denied. She has to be lying if she says that double braids and glasses are in. She probably had this inner voice that laughs full of pride whenever she sees me in that outfit.

However, I'm glad I'm wearing glasses. People don't usually notice my eyes because of the glare on my glasses. The glare makes it hard to see my eyes for others. My eyes are a strange color. Golden, I think. Aunt Cassy never let me see myself in the mirror.

 My parents told me something about my eyes before, but the memory seems to be foggy. 

I've saw that people are more likely to judge you if you are different. Maybe they're just jealous like Aunt Cassy.

The world is full of jealousy. There's so much jealousy to the point that they rather try to befriend the person they're jealous with and betray them later.

I've seen those kind of dramas in books, don't worry.

With the looks I have, there's a high chance I don't have friends. And there's also a reason why I'm walking home alone.

"Hey look, there's a nerd coming our way."

I looked up, noticing a group of "popular" guys crowding in front of me. They were tall, buff, and trying to act cool. Why did I get into this. I should have been looking at where I was going instead thinking so much.

I raised my eyebrow at the boys and they snickered at me. "Oh look, the nerd is trying to be brave."

There were four guys: Brandon, Cameron, Kyle, and Joseph. Such immature guys. They are all from my school, however they seem to be messing with the wrong person. I smiled to myself, hoping to get a little fun out of this.

"Didn't your friends tell you not to mess with nerds?" I spoke up, confidently. They laughed loudly this time, slapping their knees and saying, "Good one." This time, I got irritated.

I ran up to Brandon and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling him forward. He looked surprised, but not afraid. Yet. 

I'll show him.

I stared at him for a while before kneeing his balls. His reaction was priceless that I could have feel down to the ground laughing. The other three were alerted and "tried" to get me.

I lifted both of my feet up quickly, still holding on to Brandon's shirt collar. I did a split kick and before I knew it, the kick encountered between two male areas.Cameron and Kyle have failed to defeat me. Three down, one to go.

Those three fell down, holding their sack, crying with pain. The other one seemed to have ran away. I grinned. I clapped my hands together and giggled. 

"Never mess with a nerd." With that, I walked home. Again, I felt some kind of chill behind my back as if I was being watched. I looked around my surroundings carefully.

And I'm bored again.

It didn't surprised me that Aunt Cassy wasn't home when I came. She was usually out with her boyfriend.

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