Chapter 5

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Let's see how the Autobots get used to this new world and there's going to be another character introduction!!!

Izumi's POV

"It is my great pleasure to both thank and welcome the Autobots for all the good they have done as well as accepting them from whatever they may have come from..." as I ended up tuning out Grandfather's speech as I stood off to the side as the bots got ceremony for their recent accomplishments

After helping them the best I could to settle them in since their ship is heavily damage as well as their communication system they are stuck on earth for awhile

Then when Optimus was given the mike to give a small speech and answer the questions of the reporters I made sure to give him some advice of few things to avoid saying that may give everyone the wrong idea

But then out of no where someone was firing at us as Optimus used his body to shield me and my Grandfather

"Hahahahaha! You stupid Autoscum!" Yelled a shrill voice as I saw another bot but he was a lot more scary than my friends

"Deception! Everyone evacuated and get to safety!" Yelled Optimus as I a could only stare at the now identified Decepticon as my friends went to fight the flying bot as the Heroes got everyone to safety

But I didn't run and hide I didn't want to be useless anymore by being a coward as I held my ground and off towards the danger as my friends were getting beaten badly as I quickly went to Bumblebee's side to see if was seriously injured

"Izumi what are you doing here!? You have to get to safety!!!" He yelled as I felt the tears falling down my cheeks as I started crying

"I can't just run away and leave you mechs behind! I'm the only one with the key to heal you from fatal injuries! I don't want to be useless!" I shouted at them as they were trying to calm me down

"Izumi we sorry if we made you feel bad!!! But your leaking!?" Shouted Bulkhead in complete worry as I was trying my best to wipe away the tears

"Their tears people have them when they are sad, scared or extremely emotional" I told them as Bumblebee picked me up and held me close

"Well don't let Starscream catch you or hurt you because we'll all definitely lose if that happens" he said as I manage to stop crying and nodded my head as he put me down on the ground

"We will help Optimus now also if anything happens you can wack us on the helm for doing something stupid like Ratchet does" said the green bot as I couldn't help but giggle at that promise

After that I tried my best to get caught up in danger as I saw them all fighting Starscream but Optimus was the only one who had the ability to fly

"You Autoscum think you could beat me!!!" I destroyed Megatron!!!" He arrogantly declared as my friends all look at him in shock when he said those words

'Is Megatron some sort of big bad villain?' I couldn't help but think as Optimus decided to do something drastic as I felt my eyes widen in fear

He used his axe to make a finishing blow on Starscream as there was a massive explosion as Optimus was falling out of the sky as his entire body smoking and burned

"Optimus!!!" Everyone yelled as he crashed onto the ground as Ratchet was the first one to his side

"R-Ratchet is h-he g-going to b-be a-alright!?" Asked Bumblebee hysterically as he was trying to see if Optimus was still alive

" his Spark is snuffed he's gone" he said as I refused to believe it as I held my ground as I walked towards Optimus body as no one stopped me as I climbed onto his body as I held tightly to my key

"Izumi there's noting you can do he's gone" said the medic as I gave him a frustrated angry look as Optimus Spark chamber opened as my key transformed again

"I have to try!!! I refuse to stand by and be useless!!!" I shouted in determination as I practically stabbed the key into the hole as there massive of electric blue light and massive burst of energy

As the light down there was a spark in Optimus's chamber as his grey body became it's natural red and blue coloring as his eyes seemed to flash blue signaling that he was awake as he looked up dazzling up into the sky for a moment

"Is this the well of the Allspark?" He asked softly

"Sorry to disappoint but your still alive" said Prowl as seemed to be either shock or relieved or maybe both

I started laughing softly as I was so happy and relieved at Optimus at being alive as warm tears started to fall down my face

"Uh, Izumi why are do you have tears of your not sad?" Asked Bulkhead as I couldn't help but laugh softly at his words

"Their happy year, you bots have a lot to learn about humans" I told them

After that everything went on as normal as things could get as the Heroes helped with the injured and property damaging as me and Grandfather started to think of ways to help the Autobots with

As I looked up as at the blue sky as I couldn't help but smile 'I wonder how mom is going to react to this when she gets back?' I couldn't help but think


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