The Call of the Sirens

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   Jasper hadn't been to sea for too long after his darling April died when he came across the most absurd thing he had ever seen. There was this island, it was full of beautiful women singing tragic, but lovely tunes. The women were all nude, their long, silky hair varying in colors and arranged in different styles adorned with delicate, valuable jewels. Was this the right island?

   Though he tried to ignore them long enough to read his map and double check it, he was lured in. Trying to think of April and her gorgeous, emerald green eyes paired with her ravishing red curls couldn't save him from the power of these mysterious women who looked unreal. How, he asked himself, could they be so enchanting? Taking a deep breath, Jasper pocketed his map and sailed his boat over to their island. Perhaps this is the right place. It must be.

"Come, come!" One of the women said serenely as she reached for his hand; he grabbed her hand and without hesitation followed her to the other women who were still singing.

"H-hello ladies." Jasper replied sheepishly as he tugged on his collar.

"He is a dream!" One of the women said excitedly.

"He's mine!" One declared.

The singing faded and then stopped once all of them realized a man was on the island now. He was corralled by all of the naked, angelic women. Jasper became nervous, he cleared his throat and tugged on his collar once more.

"He is the Queen's! I will take him to her; Her Majesty has been waiting for you." The woman explained as she caressed his hand.

Jasper pulled his hand away.

"I-I must leave. I need to go home; my wife needs me." He lied, second guessing whether he should be here or not. April wouldn't like him being here.

"Silly, silly man. Your wife is no more, you have no home worth going to. Stay here! We will feed you, you will be a King. The Queen has been waiting for such a long time." She explained.

"How, d-did you know about April?" He asked.

"It's not important. Come with me. We will grab your things and I will take you to Her Majesty. She doesn't like to wait long. We best keep her happy, okay?" She explained with a smile.

Jasper nodded, he felt his heart beat slow, pounding heavily like a drum.

The mysterious woman helped him grab his bags, his valuables and the last bits of food he still had not eaten. She escorted him halfway across the island, and once he saw the castle he was in complete awe. Made of white marble, standing three stories high, surrounded by matching columns, beautiful flowers and perhaps the most beautiful garden ever; it was breathtaking. Something of a fairy tale.

"Follow me in, Jasper. Come meet the Queen." She grabbed his hand tightly and pulled him along with her into the castle. She politely smiled and waved to the women fanning the room with large leafs. They all lined both sides of the long corridor which led to the Queen.

   Sitting in a marvelous golden throne chair, adorned with emeralds, opals, sapphires and rubies sat the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her eyes were a beautiful glacier, silvery blue. Her hair, as dark as midnight contrasted greatly against her fair, porcelain skin and her golden crown filled with magnificent opals and darling pearls. Her breasts were full, perfectly rounded and plentiful; her waist was small and dainty, her legs svelte and smooth, free of any hairs or flaws.

"Your Majesty, This is Jasper. He has arrived to our island; he must be the chosen one. I can feel it!" She exclaimed.

"Jasper of Romania, our fable tells us that you would come. You must complete our ritual; you will become a great asset for us. Please, bring the throne chair for the chosen one. My King needs a seat." The Queen demanded.

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