Chapter 25

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Desmond's demonic voice echoed throughout the city sending everyone into panic. It's just like the same disaster Harry did when he became a full demon but its worse coming from Des.

"Kneel before me!" Des demanded

"We don't kneel before anyone!" Tristan protested.

"I said kneel!" He demanded again.

"No way in hell!" Gemma resisted.

"Fine. If you guys won't listen to me...." He crated a scepter and slammed it to the ground summoning two giant demon cyclops out the ground.

"I bet you will listen to monsters. Kill them!"

The hellish beasts roared and started walking towards you all. Tristan sprang into action and jumped ten feet in the air at the height of the one cyclops and slashed straight down its body cutting it in half.

The other one roared and ran straight for Anne. Gemma pulled her knives out her coat and you grabbed your dagger. Out of nowhere, Anne incinerated the cyclops till there was nothing left of it. Anne can defend herself.

"Impressive. Since my monsters didn't make you listen, I guess it's time for my other monster." Des said with a devilish grin.

"Why's he looking so smug?" You asked.

"I don't know. Whatever it is it can't be good."  Trisan said.

Desmond's hand lit up and looked down on Harry's unconscious body. Harry's eyes quickly opened and he stood up completely under Des' control. "Destroy them, Harry!"

Harry jumped from the top of the throne down the ground breaking it underneath him.

"All.....hail.....THE DEMON KING!!!" Harry screamed creating a fiery tornado keeping everyone including Des inside of it.

"What's the plan now?" You hid behind Tristan.

"We have to wear him down then we can escape." Tristan took a few steps forward and started charging himself up then launching himself at Harry. Harry dug his feet in the ground to keep Tristan from pushing him any further. Harry grabbed Tristan buy his head and kneed Tristan in his face stunning him.

Tristan tried to recover but he's caught by Harry's flamming fist to the face sending him flying. A knife is at Harry and he caught it with his hands and crushed it. Gemma threw the knife follwed by a few more and before any could his Harry he vasished into a black cloud of smoke.

"He's gone!" You panicked.

"Where did he go?" Gemma looked over both her shoulders.

"Right here." Harry appeared behind her. He opened his hand and sent her flying hitting the moutain where Des' throne stood. She rolled down the hill and hit the floor unconscious.

Harry turned his attention to Anne and started walking towards her. Anne walked backwards trying to avoid Harry then she stripped and began crawling backwards as quickly as she could until she reached the wall of fire where she couldn't run anymore.

"H-Harry!! Please honey!! It's me, Anne....your mother!!" Anne pleaded.

"Finish her, Harry!!" Des called. Harry lit his hand on fire ready to finish off Anne.

"HARRY NO!!!!" You ran behind him hugging him around his body. He's flaming hand went out because you stopped him.

"Harry,  please come back to me!! This isn't you!! Your not a killer!! Please Harry!!" You sobbed in his back.

Harry didn't object, he just stood there. You broke from the hug and he turned around and looked at you.

"I'm (Y/N). Your boyfriend. Tristan's your demon cousin who helped you control your powers who loves you like your brother, Gemma's you sister who loves you very much, and the lovely woman right there is Anne.....your mum." You placed a hand on his cheek. "Do you remember?"

He didn't respond and he slowly brought his hand up in your face. "(Y/N).........." He said softly. He flaming tornade keeping you all from escaping went down. Anne and Tristan snuck over to Gemma carrying her away from you and Harry.

"Do you recognize me?" You felt like you were getting to Harry.

"(Y/N)......-AAARRRGGHHH!!!!" Harry's eyes glew and the flaming tornado came back up and the skies started to storm. Desmond made Harry rage all over again.

"Don't listen to him, Harold. He's your enemy! KILL HIM!!" Desmond demanded. Harry charged his fist up with red lightning ready to attack.

"HARRY EDWARD STYLES,  IT'S (Y/N), YOUR BOYFRIEND!! YOU CAN FIGHT THIS HARRY!! I NEED YOU!!" You yelled as tears streamed down your face as he prepared his charged up punch.

Before Harry could hit you, a portal opened up behind you and you felt something pull you in and away from Harry. Tristan saved you before Harry could attack.

"He's gone!! We completely lost him!!" Tristan pulled the cave wall in frustration. "Dammit there is no getting rid of Des!"

"Harry's under Desmond's control. He almost killed us." Anne said treating an injured Gemma.

"I can't take this anymore........I JUST WANT MY HARRY BACK!!!" You dropped the floor sobbing.


"Harry Edward Styles,  It's me (Y/N). Your boyfriend."

Your voice played back in Harry's head multiple times while he stood on top of a building watching over the demon wasteland.

"Harry, please come back to me!! This isn't you!! Please Harry!!"

Harry overwhelmed by meeting you again is taking it's toll on him. He dropped down to his knees and ran his hands through his hands as tears feel out his red and black demon eyes crying hard.

He's torn between Desmond's commands and your voice.

"(Y/N)......" He said your name again as he continued crying.

All hope is lost.

The Demon Prince: Harry Styles (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now