Chapter 1

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The wind whipped around her face as she hurried through the streets, small tears had formed in the corner of her right eye which she wiped away only for them to spring back within a few seconds. Despite the harsh rain people still filled the streets, each bracing themselves against the biting cold with thick coats and warm scarves. Narrowly dodging fellow pedestrians and puddles, she came to a corner and stopped, checking to see if anyone had followed. Confident no one had seen her; she dipped into the next street and dove through the doorway of a grey three storey building.
"You do realise there's a thing called a cab which is perfect for this situation," the sarcasm was almost audibly dripping from the voice in front the panting girl - who had doubled over to try and regain her composure. The pair was stood in a long corridor with boxes of paperwork lining the walls as if they were queuing to be sorted. A soft pitter-patter resonated from the floor surrounding the breathless girl where water ran off her nose and elbows.
"Very... funny... Amelie," she muttered between breaths before righting herself and attempting to tame the beast that had replaced her naturally straight hair. "Stop laughing and help me," the girl scolded but couldn't keep herself from giggling too.
"Dani, what are we going to do with you?" Amelie smiled brightly whilst going to help her best friend. "There you look... somewhat normal," this earned her a smack on the head before she was tugged down a hallway, light whistles came from the friction of their trainers against the slick floor covered with irregular squares of green that vaguely reminded her of a forest.

They snuck through a large white door into a decently sized studio staying as quiet as a mouse while they crossed the bouncy sheet vinyl floor, bags and jackets were strewn across the room leaving a trail leading towards the culprits. "Hey! Natasha, Caitlin! I'm going to break my neck someday if you keep leaving your shi-" a hand was slapped harshly over the blonde's mouth before it pointed towards a woman sat in the corner with her back pressed against the sole plain white wall observing the scene.
"Language Dani," she tutted smiling at the group before her, "and have you ever heard of being on time? Hmm?"
"Sorry Kerrie," Dani sheepishly bowed; an uncommon habit of hers that she exploited every so often, though it was very strange that a young British girl would have picked up such a habit before she rushed over to join her three friends who were setting up the equipment. A couple of the other residents in the room snickered at this behaviour realising just where this antic had come from. Their hushed titters bounced off the three mirrored walls and collected around the room immediately pulling a light-hearted feeling into the room with it.

After a while of bickering and giggling everything was in place. The microphone stood proudly in the centre of the stage surrounded by a piano, flute and guitar. One by one the girls took their places and waited for their manager to start them off.


Hours flew by as the girls practised relentlessly, music floated down the corridors of the tall building. Fingers ached from playing instruments, diaphragms ached from singing, and lips ached from beatboxing. However, the sound produced was magical. A soft clapping then replaced the music as the final song ended, Kerrie stood up to congratulate the girls on their hard work when a shrill tune echoed within the room from her pocket forcing Kerrie to excuse herself and take the call.

"Well girls, I think we are officially slaying," Caitlin smirked and proceeded to exchange high-fives with her fellow band mates. The others simply smiled at the statement, used to the youngest using casual slang at every possible moment.
"Guys, was my beatboxing okay?" Dani queried, evidently nervous about her performance,
"Darling, it was outstanding. You've really improved since working with us." Four heads whipped towards the door as Kerrie re-emerged after ending her phone call. "I've got some news," panicked looks plastered themselves across the face of every band member, "have you ever heard of BigHit?"

Squealing was the only thing to fill the room for the panic had been washed away replaced with sheer disbelief and surprise.
“You’re talking about the Korean music company right?” Natasha jumped down from the makeshift stage,
“Yes and –“ more squeals echoed, “girls!” the squealing ceased. “As I was trying to say, they’ve been in touch and want us to host some of their artists for a few weeks,” this time there was no squeals only silence. The shock had seeped its way into the veins of the four young girls.
“No... freaking way,” Amelie was the first to speak up, “you don’t mean BTS, no way in hell are you saying BTS is going to be staying here,” her voice was quiet and small but still audible over the deafening silence.

“Well you’ll just have to wait and see,” Kerrie winked and escaped the room before any more questions could be asked. Suddenly remembering something she poked her back around the door, “they arrive in two days,” she smiled brightly a slight twinkling caught in her eyes before she again left the group in a state of shock.

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