Dear Society

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Dear Society

Stop making fun of people’s sadness

Mental illness isn’t a joke,

So stop joking about it

Stop leading the brave to their weakest state

The suicidal urge when no one seems to care

You don’t know the half

This shit gets real

Girls starving themselves because they want to meet society’s ideal

Lying awake at night thinking could my dream finally be real?

Finally having a thigh gap

Barely having a lap

All those nights you spent leaning over the toilet sticking you fingers down your throat

Could it finally be worth doing all that?

Maybe, just maybe

Your expectations

Is what’s giving those rehabs all those patients

What’s it like running someone at just the age of ten?

Dear society,

You will never hurt me again.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2014 ⏰

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