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Leo: Sup My ghost king

Nico: Shut up Valdez

Leo: Aww, come on Ghost king, you know you love me ;)

Nico: No I don't, just keep telling yourself that

Leo: Aw, don't deny you want some of this flaming Leo

Nico: Flaming Leo? I swear you keep getting more obnoxious each time I hang out with you

Leo: Oh, I see you really do pay attention to me when we hang out ;)

Nico: Night Valdez

Leo: If your gonna call me by a nickname, at least call me fire boy

Nico: will that make you happy?

Leo: yes it will

Nico: well in that case..........night Valdez.

Then Nico shut off his phone, getting ready for bed. But before he went to sleep, his phone rung. He read the message, making him smile. Even though he denies it, he will never admit that Leo Valdez has a soft spot in his black hole of a thing called his heart.

Before he went to sleep, he replayed those last words in his mind from Leo,

"No matter, I love you though bro, nighty night my ghost king." He whispered to himself, "Night my fire boy."

Okay, this was a preview chapter. I hope you guys are looking forward to the first chapter. Oh and just a test....SHOUT OUT TO ALL THE COLORADANS AND CALIFORNIANS. XD I'm not even sure if that's the technical term.

-wild thing

(Leico) My Ghost king and Fire boyWhere stories live. Discover now