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Recap: "It was just a dream." Kale whispered in my ear hugging me.

"I was just a dream, a dream." I whispered to my self.

Annabelle POV

Today I'm going to the doctor to see why I'm throwing up,and having a fever . Changing into a peach color flowly top, and dark jean, with converse. Putting my hair in a mess bun. Brush my teeth,and going down the stairs.

"Belle, "I turn it was Queen Nora.

"Queen Nora hi how are you." I asked her

"Good, but please call me Nora."

"ok do you want coffee or tea or something"

"Coffee please," nodding my head walk to the kitchen making some coffee.

"Can I ask you why you're here ?-not that I mind or anything" I ask nevoursly.

"Oh right, I would like to go with you to the appointment," a grab a mug from the cabinet and pouring coffee then grabbing some sugar and milk. Giving it to Nora."thank you." she said

"Welcome." I said "you don't have to come if you don't want to or if your busy I cold go-"

"Nonsense daring I'm coming with you." she said taking a slip of her coffee. Then add "I don't mind coming I would like to know why your sick."

"Okay, but the appointment is in an hour." I answered, opening the fridge looking for something to eat for breakfast. "Nora would you like something for breakfast." I turn to face her

"No, but thank you for asking I already had breakfast." she said as for me answering okay then continue looking for food to cook. Grabbing an egg then a pan,turning the stove on to cook my egg. Once I smelled the egg I felt sick. Running the bathroom then puking my guts out. With Nova right after me. As I pushing my hair out my face putting my hand on forehead, feeling my skin burning.

"Oh honey," Nova said rubbing my back. "Come on I mind-link the doctor and she could check up on you," Then standing up. On are way the doctors.

Once we got their the nurse check my temperature, weight, and blood pressure.

"So Annabelle, what seems to be the problem ?" Dr.Daniela asked.

Kale POV

"So next week it all starts." my Father said read of the paper.

"Ok Kale sign here to approve it." point at the document that could change my life.

I've been debating this for more than a month, but now that I have I'm afraid to lose her again.

"Kale son you have to, or else.."

"I know, I get it." I answer not looking at my father, them signing the final documents.

"So that all for today, we well see you in a week. Also we wish the best to come. Have a wonderful evening.And Kale you did what's best son." One oldest council member said then left.

"Dad where you this-nervous of mom, not -not.. living" I said holding my breath.

"Yes, all I want to do was rip up the documents, and burn them. But I couldn't I tried but, my father-your grandfather- he would tell me that it was in the traits or law,"

"but did a mate ever -die-passed, " I hoping he would say no

"No, but some almost killed them self's or come back crazy, other came back so crazy they killed themselves."

"But, why ?"

"they thought their mate was died and one she-wolf had a pup, the pup didn't live- she went crazy without her mate or pup and killed herself. When her mate found out he killed himself because he couldn't bear the pain and gave this beta the title." my father told me.

"Why not change the law-it save lives." I asked

"I tried but my father wouldn't let me- I asked the council and it could pass if their is Alphas that believe for it." he answered sadly. "Let just hope for best son," he patted my back and left.

what can i do......



HAPPY NEW YEARS (i know it late)


What did Kale signed ?

Why is Belle sick ?

and i have one more question , it the early chapter Jade is Kale's sister who should play her Mackenzie Foy or Mia Hays ?

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