Chapter 3

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Summer's pov:
It was now Thursday, a couple days have gone by, Louis and I have been texting back and forth constantly.
I really did miss him, thinking about it now.
Today after class was over, I was meeting up with Eleanor, we are planning on going shopping, maybe get a few drinks, then back to her place, where Louis would be.

They both promised that Harry and Niall still don't know about them talking to me, and that they were not going to be there today.
Once class was finally finished, I raced back to my flat and changed out of sweats and into proper clothes.

A black high-low skirt and a blue crop-top, I put on my black sandals and fixed up my make-up.
I took my opened hair and put it into a messy sock bun. 
Finally looking decent, I grabbed my phone off the charger and left the house with my purse.

"Oh that's really cute, you should get it!" Eleanor says to me, as I walk out the change room and look in the mirror.
It was a plain white, strapless dress.

"Yeah, I really like it, I think I will", I say, looking at it some more, I walk back into the change room and try on a couple more shirts.
Finally leaving Garage, with one bag containing the dress and one t-shirt, we decide to walk to Starbucks. 

Once we got out drinks, we sit down at a table right in the middle of the store.
"Hey, wanna hear a joke?", I say smiling.
"Sure", El says.
"Did you hear about the kidnapping", I say, trying not to laugh too much.
"Uh?" Eleanor says confused. 
"He woke up", I finally let out, laughing after.
Eleanor watch's me laugh for a good minute before joining in.
I finally catch my breathe again, I look over to the door when I see some people enter. 

I was about to sip on my coffee when I stop mid way, leaving my mouth hanging open, not again..
I push back the chair, and hit the ground.

Eleanor looks under table.
"Summer, whats wrong, what happened?" She asked. 
"Harry just walked in with some other guy", I whisper, starting to freak out a little.
Eleanor sits back up and turns around looking at Harry's back.

She looks back under the table.
"Go hide in the bathroom, take your stuff with you, hurry!" She says quietly, but loud enough so I could hear her, I nod my head and grab my things and run to the bathroom quickly.

I walk into the ladies room and let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
"For fucks sake.." I mutter quietly. 

After a little while I get a text from El saying that they left.
I sigh once again and open the door and finally walk out the bathroom.
I sit back down, setting my bags down as well and look at El.

"Did they notice you?" I asked.
"Yup me and your coffee", She said.
I look at the table and notice I didn't take my coffee, I slap my forehead.

"Shit, what did he say?"
"Well luckily for you, I took it before they saw your name on it, and told them I was holding it for a friend who was in the bathroom, which you could say, wasn't a lie", she winks over at me.

I shake my head while laughing.
"Your great El", I say, picking up my coffee once again, and finishing it off. 

We finally left starbucks and walk over to our own cars.
I start mine up and watch for Eleanor's, as I follow her to her flat.

Once we get there, we're both laughing at some stuff she was telling me that Louis did, she unlocks the door and we walk in to the warm, cozy flat.

"Louis?" Eleanor calls out.
"Yeah, I'm here  and so is Niall", he yells back, my eyes widen and I shake my head.

No no no, not again.
"Oh, alright, I'm going to my room, can you come quickly and help me with my bags?" She yells.
We hear a chair being pushed out and some walking.

Eleanor quickly leads me to her room with Louis right behind us.

"What is he doing here? You said he wasn't gonna be here!" I said.
"And he wasn't he randomly came! I've been trying to get him to leave for 10 minutes, I think he's going soon, don't worry Summer", Louis says calmly, hugging me, 

I hug him back and breathe.
"Okay, I'll just be in here then.." I say, El looks at me and gives me a small smile. 
"Only a couple minutes, promise", she says walking out of the room, Louis following her.

I sit down on the bed and take my phone out.
I guess it time to catch up on some tweets. 
I updated fast huh?
Told you I would try!

I'm trying rly hard to make the chapters long, but I'm no good at it so, sorryyy.
Pls vote and comment, and share this story with your friends :)

~M xox

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