Slaps and Kisses

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I walked down the hallways of the DWMA. While i heard rumors spreading quicker than the flu. 

"Yeah i know like i use to like her but i heard how she turned down Death The Kid. One word. Harsh"

What? Turned him down in what way? All i said that i dont like him and Liz made a big deal out of it for no dam reason. If i dont like him then i dont like him no need for drama

"i know right! Look here she comes" someone whispers.

"Im going to confront her. Hmph someone has to stand up to her. Its rude of her to think she can just turn Kid down like that"

Wait. What? Stand up to me? They are acting like im a bully. And i didnt even say to his face that i didnt like him like that. Soon enough i was stoped by a averaged height girl who had brown hair and eyes. Her clothes were a little skimpy for someone who goes to our school. "Um excuse me" I said as i tried to pass her only for her to block me. I sighed looking up at her."What do you want from me?"

"I want you to pay for what you did to Death The Kid."

"But i didnt do anything to him... i just simply stated that we just bearley met and that's not enough time to like someone. He never actual confesed his feeling for me so i never actually rejected him" I said getting a little scared since she was a bit bigger than me.

"Psh please who do you think you are first you broke DTK heart then you have the nerve to lie to me" 

"I-"i was cut off. I saw the hand of hers aproch my face and the next thing you know. SMACK. I could feel the stinging of her backhand. i felt water start to pour out of my eyes. In the distance i saw Kid looking over here. Then about a second ater he started to run twords me.

Her hand raised again to try and hit me a second time and i winced shutting my eyes. 

There was no pain. No Smack. All i felt was my body being wrapped inside someone elses. I opened my eyes and saw the girl with shock in her face looking at someone behind me. The person who was holding me. "Dont you ever touch her again!" It was a familier voice...

I looked up at him.... Kid. My Heart started to beat very fast. Then the people there started to walk away slowly along with the girl. Kid and I were soon alone in the halls.  I felt nervous and i realized that i was still looking up at him while he still held me in his arms. Then i Realized how close his lips were to mine. Quickly i blushed and pulled away from his grasp.

"T-thank you..."I said bowing down trying to keep him from seeing me blush.

He walked up to get closer to me. Then his warm hands touched my chin and pulled my head up so we were face to face. I was so close to bursting in tears. Not because i was hit. But because i didnt know what to do at this moment i felt like i can just let go of my feelings onto him. He held me against his body and i burried my face into his chest as i started to burst into tears. I said i didnt like him. But that didnt mean liking him as a friend. He looked at me face to face. "It must have really hurt lets get you to the nurse" 

He then lifted me in his arms and walked me to the Nurse



I sat outside the nurses office thinking about what happeneed and what i just learned from some students. So from what i have gathered. Liz went crazy for some reason and Maka looks like the bad person just because she said she dosnt like me...But i still could not get over how i managed to hold her like that.  i felt our hearst beat at the same time. Like our souls were resonated. I wish i could have kissed her at that moment but i realized that she said she didnt like me whitch tore my heart apart.

The door opened and Maka smiled at me. I got up and looked at her. Then she ran up to me and hugged me tightly "thank you for saving me" She said softly. i noded and kissed her forehead. I wish i could do more but that was enough for me right now.

Death Romance [Kid x Maka]Where stories live. Discover now