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Intro: If you cry, I will wipe away your tears. If you stumble, I will help you stand. If you feel like you're alone. You maybe going through something that is hard to explain, just know I am here for you and always will be. I will stand by u I will help you through I will dry your eyes I will fight your fight I will hold you tight, and I WON'T let go Your gonna make it! if you are lonely, I'll be your shadow. If you need to cry, I'll be your shoulder. if you need a hug, my arms are open. if you need a friend, I'll just be me.

Verse 1: If I could take away your sadness, your pain, your heartache and worry, I would. All I can do is love you with all my heart. And I do! Another month. Another year. Another smile. Another tear. Another winter and another summer too. But there can never be another you. I can't promise I can stop you from having problems. But I can promise you that you will never have to face them alone. If you live to be 100, I want to live to be one hundred minus a day. That way I'd never have to live a day without you. I will dry your eyes, I will fight your fight, I will hold you tight, and I won't let go... because that's what friends do.

Verse 2: When you think you stand alone look beside you... I have never left you. If I got a star for every time you made me smile ... I'd have the whole universe right in front of me. Too the world you can be one person. . .But too one person you can be the world. I will give you my all. All you have to do is give me a chance. Don't forget that you're beautiful! Don't you know that you're beautiful? Every inch of you. Even your scars, your fears, and your biggest mistakes, because they're all a part of you. I want you to know: You are special, important, beautiful, needed, wanted, kind, compassionate and I love you very much. And I'm so thankful you are in my life. Smile... your BEAUTIFUL!!You are perfect in my eyes. You are always beautiful. You are always wonderful.

Verse 3: You may not think your perfect but I do. In my eyes, there is nothing better than the feeling I get when I talk to you. I aint saying I am perfect but I promise I am worth it. YOU will ALWAYS be worth the fight. I will always fight for/ with you. I love you...I will hold you tight, I will fight your fight, I will stand by you and never let go, forever and always! I love you! Some people come into our life for a moment some people stay for a life time either way a footprint on my heart was left...thank you 4 the mark you left on me. Thank you so much for being a part of my life. Without you, life wouldn't be so wonderful! I'd rather spend every day fighting with you than a single day without you by my side. Need a smile, text me. Need a laugh, call me. Need a hug, come see me. Need love, you've already got me. Thinking about your amazing eyes and how I wish I could get lost in them Right Now This instant. I miss you.

Verse 4: I'll be yours until the sun doesn't shine, til time stands still, until the winds don't blow. Even though we don't know what the future holds, I know one thing for sure; your one of the best thing that ever happened to me & I love you! everything you hate about yourself, I adore. I think you are perfect no matter what you say. I shouldn't like you. I keep telling myself I don't, When I really do. You may just see me as a friend... But I see you as more than just friends. today I caught myself smiling and I realized I was thinking about you! now I can't stop smiling! Even if I had a hundred reasons to be sad, a thousand reasons to frown, a million reasons to cry I only need one reason to smile: you; but you're gone.

Verse 5: I don't care if it's not going anywhere... I really like wasting my time on you. somewhere along the line in our friendship I fell for you with not meaning to. It is hard not to stare and fall into those AMAZING eyes of yours. I found myself smiling for no reason more than once today...then I realized I was smiling because of you! There's really no words to describe how you make me feel. I wish every day I could tell u how I feel and how much u mean to me, but I can never seem to find the right words. Hate the fact that you are almost everything I have ever wanted and always make me smile, but you're also someone I feel I will never be able to have! Just a thought of you brings a smile to my face ...wish you were here to see it!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2019 ⏰

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