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I slowly opened my eyes to the feeling of immense pain. It felt like my body was being hit with rocks from every angle.

Where was I?

My vision was blurry as tears and sweat clogged my eyes. My joints ached and the cold hard floor stung my skin.

I was in a cell.

It was empty except for the cobwebs in the corners.

My frantic effort to remember how I got here in vain.

Did I cause trouble? Did I offend anyone?

It was all blank - I couldn't recall anything.

I jerk up with an irritated cough, and that's when It all started coming back.

I was in a vampire night club with Stella, my best friend. Some cops barged in and the room was filled with a fog.

Silver dust.

What did the cops want? What offence did I commit.

I mustered the little bit of strength in me and groaned in pain as I got on my feet. The feedback was a sharp pain and I glanced down.

My feet were badly scarred with deep cuts and bruises - they were bleeding.

I managed to take a few more steps forward and would have continued, if a cold metallic string didn't bite into my skin.

I looked at my wrist and cursed in frustration to see the cuffs strapped around them.

I grabbed the bars of the cell and suddenly withdrew my hands with, wincing as my skin sizzled.

They were laced with holy water.

My gaze travelled out of the cell as I heard some men burst into fits of laughter. I instantly recognized them as werewolves and instinctively snarled at them.

My fangs extended and I felt my eyes turn red.

One of them growled in response, threatening me with a snarl.

He approached my cell and I zoomed in on the badge on his uniform. It read, 'NEXUS RIPPER DETENTION FACILITY'

I could barely ponder on what those words were when my eyes caught the movement of his hand.

He reached for a bottle tucked into his combat belt.

Holy Water.

His lips curled up into a wicked smirk, he could see the fear in my eyes.

Fear I couldn't hide.

He enjoyed it.

Were the others going to let him torture me?

They didn't move an inch even when he opened the bottle.

I slowly retreated to the far end of the cell as he poured it in his hand.

The far end was not really far since the cell wasn't so big.

I lifted up my hands to my face as he splashed the Holy Water on me and I shrieked in pain as the 'acidic' liquid burned my flesh.

My vision became red all over again and I felt enraged. I snarled loudly and began to kick the bars of the cell with my vampire strength, not minding the burning pain on the sole of my feet.

The werewolf moved back and the bottle of Holy Water in his hand fell to the ground.

The walls of the cell began to shake and I continued to kick the bars. I was no longer thinking straight now and I couldn't hear what the werewolf shouted to his mates.

An alarm began to blare and I managed to here someone announce, "Alpha Kaden is here!"

The werewolf returned with a spray can I barely made out through my Red vision and he sprayed its content into the cell. Silver dust.

I began to feel dizzy all over again and I saw a man stop before my cell.

In my drowsy state, I could feel the power he exuded and the strong aura surrounding him. He whispered an instruction that wasn't audible to me and the door to my cell was opened.

I could feel myself being dragged deeper into the darkness and he bent down to pick me up. The last thing I heard before going unconscious was the man's word 'Mate.'

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