Chapter Two

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Ten hours earlier.......

Now that is an interesting proposal.

Mr. Ivan would be satisfied with the adjusted offer proposed by the agency. I hurriedly signed the document and stacked it with the other files at the corner of her desk. I loved my job so much. I fiddled with my phone for a while and tilted my ear in alertness.

Only a few seconds earlier, I ended the telephone conversation with the secretary who informed me that Stella, my best friend was on her way up.

I stood, straightening my tightly fitted skirt and walking towards the door with my Gucci handbag in hand. I was about to open the door when it suddenly flung open to reveal Stella's exciting face. The door had missed my face by only a few inches and my eyebrows etched into a frown.

Stella seemed ignorant or unbothered by that and drew me into a tight hug.

"Karen, you promised to come see me as soon as you arrived from Marcus' wedding," Stella said with her artificial eyelashes blinking a few too many times.

"I did." I retorted and stared at her blankly. "You were nowhere to be found and totally unreachable." Stella's face immediately morphed into a smile.

"Yes, I was away on a trip with Nico. Quick vacation at Miami." Stella looked like she had taken an excitement drug, "took the first flight here this morning." She added.

"Where is he? You came together right?" I asked.

"No." She replied quickly and she suddenly looked disgusted, "I got bored of him when I woke up and I left him." Stella continued with a rather casual expression. Now I know where I get the bitchy attitude I give sometimes.

"Oh my," I opened my mouth widely and smiled, "I always thought Nico was an asshat anyway." We both chuckled and Stella was the one to interrupt.

"I heard of a club opening here in LA." Stella walked out of the office and I followed behind, locking the door to my office.
"What's so special?" I asked and she leaned in closer, whispering to my ears, "it's a vampire club."

"The hottest in town." Her voice became louder and I rolled my eyes. Stella was the only one who knew I was a vampire. The human world discovered about the supernatural existence a year ago, but they couldn't recognise us among them.

"We're going shopping now and then we'll go rock it at Pandemonium."



I opened my eyes again and tried to make out where I was through my blurry vision. I could spot some open curtains and sunlight flooded through the windows. Good thing I traded my vampire wings for survival in the sun.

I was no longer feeling the terrible pain I felt after waking up in that cell, but there was still that throbbing headache. I noticed I was lying on a bed and I was surprised. I tried to remember how I had gotten here and fragments of the previous day began to flip through my mind.

I rememered confronting that guard and being punished with Holy Water. I remembered a guard announcing the arrival of an alpha. I think Alpha.....Kaden and then I was sprayed with silver dust. My head ached the more even as I forced myself to remember, but that was all I could. I stopped trying even though I felt there was something very important to remember.

I climbed down from the bed and looked at what I was wearing. It was a simple night gown made of silk and it exposed an inconvenient amount of my thigh. There was a small flower slippers by the foot of the bed and I put them on before walking towards the wooden door cautiously.

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