Chapter 2 - girls night

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Y/N: as I get pulled down the hallways by Hibana I say why are we going so fast? You in a hurry or something?

Hibana: oh sorry an I pulling!? I immediately let go and almost topple him over. I grab him as he starts to fall. I'm sorry I didn't know I was pulling you that bad are you ok?

Y/N: I'm alright thanks for catching me.

Hibana: no problem. Though I was the one who made you fall as I give him a small hug.

Y/N: right as Hibana hugs me I see Ash and IQ walk around the corner talking. Uh oh this is going to be rough.

IQ: the aug is a much better gun than the r4ac!

Ash: is not! Mine has a greater fire rate of fire!

IQ: mine has better damage and control!

Ash: And what are you a sniper! We are close courter fighters that uses cqb training. We don't need range. I say as we turn the corner and see Hibana hugging Lucifer.

IQ: truce? I say looking at Ash.

Ash: Truce for now. I walk up to them and they don't seem to notice us. Hey Lucifer how is your back? has it healed alright?

Y/N: I pretend to be startled as Ash says that and see Hibana jump a little too. Its healing fine so far thanks for asking.

Hibana: Oh hi girls what's up? I say letting Lucifer out of the hug.

IQ: nothing much we're just debating who's guns better. I say the r4c is worse than the aug but it's whatever. What are you doing with Lucifer?

Hibana: oh nothing just showing him to my room.

Ash: why you showing him your room?

Hibana: apparently there's a giant hole in his room and the stuff in his room doesn't work and we don't have any more rooms open. So until every things fixed he's bunking with me.

IQ: why didn't you pick one of us Lucifer? I say a little hurt.

Y/N: girls I picked Hibana from a random room number. I have this devise that takes a range of numbers and tells me a random one with in the range. I put in room numbers from 1-108 and Hibana's room came up. I say as I show them the randomizer. Look both all of you are wonderful people it was just random who I picked.

Ash: alright I guess I know what you mean.

Hibana: alright lets go to my room cutie I say as grab his arm and pull him along.

IQ: we watch them walk away and I say to ash. I have a bad feeling about him bunking with her.

Ash: ya she's all over him. I feel like she's going to spend a lot of time with him and win him over.

IQ: Ya, I got a idea!

Ash: what is it and will it help us?

IQ: Kind of. We might not get any more time but Hibana will definitely get less time with him.

Ash: alright I'll bite what's your plan?

IQ: we introduce him to all the girls and hopefully some like him and take up his extra time with Hibana.

Ash: that's actually genius IQ. When and how are we going to do this.

IQ: i got that covered already. Today's the girls night right? So we invite him along and every one will meet him and hopefully they'll do the rest.

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