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For many years I had found myself coming back to this same tavern after a hard day's work. The low chatter mixed with the slow jazz, add a nice rum and coke and it all just washes away the stress and ache from the day. It's quite nice, really. I turned and surveyed all the people scattered around the room, drinking, talking, laughing. I wondered what their days were like. Were they pulling their hair out of their heads because they were just overcome with stress and frustration? Did they have the day off, and decide to go out drinking with their friends? The same friends they don't see as often as they used to? Maybe it's a celebration day, someone or another finally got that promotion they thought they'd never see in a million years. Whatever it is, now we're all in the same room.. in each other's presence, but in our own worlds. What the hell am I even saying? Graham's probably right, maybe I do need more friends. Sighing I turned back around and took another sip from my Captain Morgan.

"Why the long face tonight, Cole?" I glanced up to see my barkeep drying his shot glasses with a rag, shooting me a questioning glance.

"If I told you I'd have to kill you, Bastion." I flashed him a smirk, shot a wink, and downed the rest of my drink. Bastion Grey and I have an interesting relationship. When I had first started coming here, he didn't really pay me any mind. He'd ask for my drink, serve it, and move onto the next. Although as time went on, it had almost become routine for me. I'd arrive Friday evenings, order the same drink, sit in my chair, and all alone, too. That's when Bastion started to take notice.

"How come you always come in alone?" He'd asked.

"I like coming alone... its liberating." He looked at me quizzically, trying to understand just what exactly I meant. Scratching the back of his head, he shrugged his shoulders and turned away, tending to others looking for a means to forget. And that's usually how it's always been, we know a bit about each other from casual conversation, but nothing ever in-depth. I liked it like that though. He didn't exactly invade my world, he just added a bit more color to it. Bastion tossed a peanut at me, pulling me from my musings.

"Oh come on, what is it? Graham not giving you any love at home?" I shook my head at him, resting it into the palm of my hand. I could see a teasing smile peeking its way past the bar lights overhead, painting a faint orange hue over him. He's been at this ever since Graham had called about some bad milk. Graham wanted me to grab milk on the way home, and I told him we'd already had some in the fridge,

"Okay, sure but have you actually looked at the expiration date on that thing? It's like two months old, could you just grab some on the way home?" After Graham hung up, Bastion had placed another drink in front of me, and started to pick at the peanuts which had begun to be neglected. Nowadays Bastion knows that I don't in the slightest enjoy peanuts, but he still puts them in front of me, leaving the option open.

"Oh? Who'd have thought the loner would have a girlfriend. You should bring her around sometime." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, does he think Graham's my girlfriend? And who's he calling a loner?

"First of all, Graham's a he, not she. And most definitely not my boyfriend, he's just a work partner. Second, who are you calling a loner? I have lots of friends." I grabbed a peanut and flicked it into my mouth. Then grimaced, remembering I hate peanuts.

"Is that right? And what do you do that your "partner" has to live with you?"  I took another glance at Bastion, his dark brown eyes reflecting that of skepticism. ]I flicked a peanut at him, retaliation for his badgering. He swatted it away like a fly, raising an eyebrow, he crossed his arms over his chest. Meanwhile I took another peanut, and inspected it. Maybe it'll be better this time around. I gave it another go, remembering yet again just why I hated peanuts in the first place. Then without any sort of jest or sarcasm in my voice, I decided to answer his question.

"We kill monsters."

A/N: ~~~OKAY!! Hello everyone!!!!~~~~~
I'm finally actually writing again and its been a while so please bare with me. Real quick before anyone asks, the book is called "Mortuus Rosis" Which means "Dead Roses" It'll probably make more sense later, sorry if it seems edgy lol. If you guys have any comments, concerns or questions, by all means ask me!! I'm pretty excited to really start publishing my works!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2019 ⏰

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