Entry 1 of Georgia's Phone Diary

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12:30 pm June 4th

I've just seen it. The first zombie. It all started when I went to science. We were waiting for our teacher when there was a loud crash from outside. Others ran to see what happened. The courtyard doors had locked. We weren't worried, this happened all the time. We went back to the corridor. The lights flickered. "It's like a horror film," said Sarah. Then all the lights went out. The majority of the girls screamed. The guys pushed each other around. Suddenly the lights in the classroom came on. Everyone screamed. Our science teacher was lying dead on the floor. How I knew he was dead? He was covered in blood. The student teacher was hanging from one of the ropes on the roof. Her face was missing, only blood in it's place. I ran from the corridor into the bathroom.

I was sitting there when Sarah screams. "He's alive!" I burst open the door. He's standing in the door way of the room. He reaches towards a boy. Matthew. Matt gulps and slowly moves away. The teacher grabs Matt's head and grips it tightly. He pulls it and with a snap and a pop, Matt's head is ripped off. His body falls to the ground in a heap. Everyone stands in shock. Ryan seems to be the only one who can move. He smashes the fire alarm, sending the sprinkelers off. This knocks us out of the trance. We run as fast as we can. I can only hope my friends are okay.

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