Heres My Business Card

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Demi POV

Nick and I were sitting at a cute, little café down by the Santa Monica Pier in Southern California, enjoying some brunch. We loved coming to this place every so often because it was usually pretty quiet. It had an unimaginable view of the ocean, and Boardwalk. Not to mention, they always had the best food. However, today it was pretty jammed pack.

After we ordered, I sat there, listening to Nick ramble on about sports while we were waiting for our food to arrive. He always got so into the things he was passionate about. I loved that about him. I just sat back and listened to him go on and on, while thinking about how very thankful I was to have him in my life.

Nick and I have been together for a little over a year and a half now. We have had many ups and downs throughout our relationship, but eventually we came to our senses and realized that we were destined for each other.

Nick is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. He has really been such a strong support system throughout all of my struggles, and has been that one person I feel most confident with. I continued to gaze at Nick with such admiration. God, I loved this man. Everything about him was perfect. His eyes, his lips, his smile, and even his lame jokes. I began to laugh to myself in my head, causing my smile to grow even bigger now. I loved it all. I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am so very in love with this man and I cannot wait to marry him.

Nick and I got engaged about three months ago, but we have not settled on a date yet, which I was fine with. I did not want to rush things. I was now one hundred percent secure in my relationship with him, and I can confidently say that he is my best friend, my soul mate, my forever, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I sat there taking it all in, when finally the waitress came over to our table. She placed our food in front of us, and said enjoy before walking away. I looked up and smiled once more at Nick before digging right into the delicious food that sat in front of me.

"So," I said while looking up at nick, "Have you thought any more about our discussion, babe," I asked while looking up through my eyelashes, and taking a bite of my eggs and cheese omelet.

"Demi," he said, rolling his eyes, and wiping his mouth with the corner of his napkin. "I just don't know if kids are going to be in our future any time soon. I know you are very eager to be a mom, but, Demi, we aren't even married yet, and we are both so busy with our tour, albums, photo shoots, and our TV appearances. When do you even see us having time to raise a family," he asked with his eyebrows raised.

I listened to every word that Nick spoke and that's when the gears in my brain began to shift . I know we are not technically married, but I mean we are already engaged, and we do everything that married couples do. However, on the other hand, I totally understand where Nick is coming from. I mean, he did have a very valid point. We are both so busy with our careers that it would leave little time to even raise a family. All of these thoughts ran through my head before I noticed that Nick was looking at me, probably trying to read my facial expression while waiting for an answer.

"Demi," he said, waving his hand, trying to get my attention.

"Yeah, I know. You have a point, babe," I said before taking a sip of my water. Dammit! Why did I have to be so madly in love to such a level-headed man. Sometimes I wished Nick would live a little, but I know, I know, this wasn't something to 'live on the edge' with. This was a serious life decision.

We finished our meal and waited for our waitress to return with our check. Nick and I sat and talked all about our random, upcoming events and how much of a hit our new song, Avalanche was. While in the middle of our discussion, a middle-aged woman, who was sitting by herself, turned around and tapped Nick on his shoulder.

"Pardon me, I hope you do not mind, but I overheard your conversation earlier about the possibility of starting a family," she said while moving her eyes back and forth between Nick and I.

"Okay..." Nick said while turning to look at me with crazy eyes. I just smirked and kicked his leg under the table. I watched him reach for his shin, and turn back around so he was facing the woman once again.

"Well, I am the owner of the Ocean Avenue Orphanage here in Santa Monica, and right now we are having a hard time finding homes for most of our children. As you can see, right now, there are not a lot of families who are wanting to adopt kids from our local agencies. They are wanting to adopt from other countries like, Africa and Ethiopia. With that said, I had the epiphany to start a new 'side' business, if you will, called, "Rent-A-Kid," The woman explained to us.

"Rent-A-Kid," Nick said in a very snotty voice, "Is that even legal?"

"Nick, let her speak," I chimed in, as I was very intrigued by what the woman was saying. Nick snarled and rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, this would ideally be for couples who are wanting to experience, or rather, who would like an inside glimpse at what parenthood is truly like." The woman continued to explain.

"That is very cool -"

"But we are nowhere near ready for parenthood. Thank you for being concerned," Nick rudely butted in, talking over me.

I slowly sunk back into my seat and gave the woman a sweet side smile. She looked at me with sympathetic eyes. I think she could sense how badly I desired a family.

"Here, take my card," she said while quickly handing it to me. "If you change your mind, let me know. I think I have the perfect set of children for the two of you," She said with a big grin on her face.
I took the card and said thank you.Nick watched me with a very eager look. I could tell he was really uncomfortable.

"Can we please go now," he said with pleading eyes.

I laughed and slowly stood up from my seat. I set my napkin down on the table, and grabbed my purse. I laced my hand with nicks, and we made our way out to the car.

" Well, that was awkward," Nick said while turning on the car, and glancing over at me.

"I don't know, Nick. It sounds like a great opportunity. I mean, think about it. It helps couples experience, and discover what it would be like to be parents," I said while looking at the business card that danced between my finger tips.

"Demi, you cannot possible be serious. That shit probably is not even legal. That woman was a quack. Who would even 'Rent-A-Kid'. Just think about those poor kids who would have to jump from home to home just to help couples decide if they are even capable of becoming parents. Those kids have been through enough, they do not need to add this to the list of crappy things in their lives," he said matter of fact while keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I guess," I said while stuffing the card in my messy purse. I leaned back in my seat, and stared out the window. I sat there and thought about how the woman said she had the perfect set of kids for us. I could not help to wonder who they were. What they looked like. How many there were. If they were all boys, all girls, or a mixture. The biggest question that was running through my mind, engulfing most of my brain, was whether they would even like having me as their "mother", even if it would be for a couple of short weeks.

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